
I had the sense Betty didn't want some little boy who'll probably grow up to cheat on his wife. Or, in some vague way, was at least was thinking of a new, clean-slate little girl as a potential ally.

"Sally's teacher strikes me as incredibly unstable; the apparent intensity of her emotional connection to Don after that one confession creeped me out."

Others may think it's vaguely gay, but I disagree…

Rod: agree with both comments, except I don't find Will cool or handsome, and I think he's only faux-sensitive.

Apatow for the most realistic depiction of adolesence on television, Freaks & Geeks

Phodreaw: Fair enough, but you also can't go wrong with Katharine Hepburn in Bringing Up Baby.

"Heck, even Shakespeare understood puns … It's a four-hundred year old pun, but fuck, it makes sense"

Uma Thurman was in first class on my coach-class flight to Istanbul. One of the movies on the plane starred Uma Thurman.

"he MPDG conceit has an expiration date of about 32 … The pathologies don't map onto someone who's empty-nesting or menopausal"

Don doesn't envy Roger in the least. It's more that Don probably resents him for the way Roger's divorce and remarriage could make Don uncomfortable with his own intermittent desires to leave his marriage. Don doesn't want to be like Roger.

"forced himself on Joan in a way that made her very unhappy (ok, rape, whatever)"

@Tom S: You're exactly right. I know of a rich, privileged young woman writing front-page stories for the New York Times not so long out of Yale.

Finally got to see this! (Now that no one's reading comments.)