Edmond Dantes Inferno

Jimmy James when he was a baby
Settin' on his momma's knee
Turned on The Simpsons with his little right hand
Said, "Quotin' this be the death of me me me
Quotin' this be the death of me."

Wait, it's not just because they're X-TREME?

I came here for the Krusty reaction, I got my Krusty reaction.

"And so now we are seven."
"Seven what?"
"How many?"
"Seven. I just told you."
"Right. So that would make us…"
"What's wrong with you? Seven Samurai."
[roll credits]

"The product: DVD's. The situation: declining sales. The reason? Can't wear 'em. Well, gentlemen…" **pulls back curtain**

"Hasta la vista, Hindley."

"…but if this is a video of bin Laden confessing, then why is he - who is left handed - sitting on horseback and vandalizing these daffodils with his right hand??"

Mountain: "Is there any motivation for a sequel to a reboot besides callous cash-grab?"
Producer: "Does it matter?"
Mountain **Shakes his head**

I like the one's that make a joke that's in the first few sentences of the article. It renders a meaningless victory somehow extra-double-super-meaningless.

Shane: "Family meeting…"
**Presents toy for son and gift for wife**

"Well, not a lot going there in terms of technique, but he sure stays with it! Neither of them seem to be getting any closer to climax, though. And it's been 4 hours…"

He mostly talks about that film at night. Mostly.

You can bet he's not the only one. Oh nooooo!

That's a typo.

"Come on; the MAC-10 was practically designed for housewives."

Very Important Question: What games?

It's about tort reform. Duh.

There's also the important fact that for a long time I thought they were saying "like Olympus against the surrogate eve."

**Enter blue-haired lawyer**
"Sir, I represent the board of MAD Magazine…!"

Found it! Oh, nope - that's a Radio Shack. Oh my God, a Radio Shack??