sensitive steve

O come on.  How many more botched FBI operations are we going to have to sit through?  Did anyone remotely believe that those poor, misbegotten FBI types were actually going to catch anybody?  Have they caught anybody all season?  Philip and Elizabeth always manage to elude everybody in their wigs…again!  Shocker.

Brilliant episode.  A+.  Absolutely hilarious from start to finish.  Your review itself is what rates a C+, if that.

thanks for the heads up on "cowboys angels," shan.  i was familiar with "worlds of the imperium" but not mcauley's take.  i'll definitely check it out…

Really?  I have LOVED this show, I think it's the best thing on t.v.  But I found the finale contrived, circuitous and unsatisfying.  One of the great things about the show is that it hasn't generally had to make morons out of its characters in order to further the plot lines, as its precursor "24" did so frequently