
You are wrong
MBI is correct. This is a terrible review. Get Smart is the funniest movie I've seen in ages. Carrel kept the essential parts of the original, while making the role his own. The allegories to current politics was very good without offending a single audience member. It's going to have a great weekend and

Watching Fridays
I saw a couple episodes. I remember Kramer in a dressing room, flexing in his underware as someone "accidentally" opened the curtain. I remember the Andy Kaufman thing with Kramer and the cue cards also.

What are you trying to say?
So, if I'm looking to waste some time with my 14-ish year old boys who don't know the difference between hand-to-had combat and balletic wire-fu, would you reccomend this?

What a Douche bag
He hits the self-important trifecta in the first three paragraphs: Self-righteous, self-important, self-pity.