Jordan Orlando

Every video clip I've ever seen of Jackie Kennedy has convinced me, cumulatively, that she was severely mentally handicapped.

Everything Wood did for the original 1955-58 MAD was brilliant. Especially all the sexy girls in tight sweaters.

He'll find her and then do the Mel Brooks 2,000 Year Old Man bit: "Dere's wimin here…"

Right. That woman who can't act is John Sculley.

Right, although Blanchett got her Oscars later. But, yeah.

God, I hate this talentless, unattractive, condescending, annoying, shameless beneficiary of nepotism (who calls Spielberg, her godfather, who cast her in her first role as Wendy in Hook, "Uncle Morty" to be cute — Get it? The Jew?). I hate her more than ever. I hate that fatuous, moronic Shakespeare in Love that

His appearance is bullshit; an inside joke. LIke his "famous" impression of Robert Evans that got filmed. There's nothing there for us. We're being invited to watch them indulge insular games with each other, like watching Altman movies.

The Abyss…such a profoundly silly movie.

Me. I thought it was fucking brilliant. It made me so happy when it was renewed! I was like, No, there is no way the story end there (and the show becomes one of those "one and done" single-season oddities that shows up on trivia lists).

What exactly is "early Tim Burton-esque Americana"? Am I missing something? Beetlejuice? The Pee Wee Herman one?

How would you define "full-Pumpkin head"? (I'm asking for a friend)

Avengers! Come on

How is it possible to go through this topic without discussing Larry Niven's "Ringworld"?

Everybody and everything is bland in Avatar. It's got the excitement and emotional depth of a Hallmark card. I will never understand why it made all that money.

Soderbergh is someone whose commentary I'd always recommend.

Asking as a straight male: is Clooney's sex appeal (as seems to be the case) seriously not dampened at all by his age?

I agree completely: it wasn't clear at the time how the cast was the whole ball game. Everyone was so busy making fun of Schwarzenegger (whose career hadn't quite gelled yet) that they didn't realize how thoroughly engaging and charismatic he is; he's got real star power.

Oh, good. With that silly, reedy theme in the background…such great 1980s sci-fi texture.

"Come with me if you want to get presents"

You mean they don't have the "DUH-DUH, DUNN-DUNN-DUNN" theme? Or, it's just not in this particular trailer?