Jordan Orlando

That remains his second-best performance. (His best is Michael Clayton.)

Because Prometheus was understood to be made out of a superb, legendary known quantity, which is Ridley Scott sci-fi (and more specifically the Alien saga in its original and best form). This is much more nebulous, unknown, and vaguely defined, so it seems much more vulnerable to a bad writer.

So, everything's impossible.

Regarding Henry! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind!

Gary Kurtz may have been a great movie producer, and may have provided a crucial restraining hand on Lucas for the 1977 and 1980 movies, and deserves his place in the history of cinema…but I'll always view him as a complete lunatic who is quite possibly dangerously insane, because that's how I view anyone who affects

Fine. All I'm asking is that you engage with political opponents such as myself on the merits of the arguments rather than by means of caricature.

I'm not a batshit loon. I'm simply very angry at this particular moment so I'm expressing myself by means of emotional language.

Listen, seriously, go fuck yourself. I rarely stoop to this kind of vitriol on AVClub but when you've got the gall to accuse us of "demonizing" a president when your side's behavior during the Obama period has been barbaric, juvenile and anti-American to a degree unprecedented in this century — it's absolutely

No, you misunderstand. What offends people is every single thing he did since he was an absolute abomination as a president.

It's Allan Bloom

Oh, I'm right there with you, believe me. I was reacting like a Tex Avery wolf.

There are entire fan websites where people "ship" Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann. I've even seen drawings of their big kiss (from the second movie).

Right but you know what I mean. Depp was having his "franchise moment" (in fact, the first Pirates directly inspired Robert Downey, Jr. to go ahead and do Iron Man); Orlando Bloom was red-hot coming off of Lord of the Rings. Knightley was just this Brit nobody had heard of who'd made an indy film (Beckham) and

Please. Their take on The Wind in the Willows was an abomination; one of the worst adaptations they've ever done. It makes their Winnie the Pooh and Mary Poppins look meticulously faithful in comparison.

It's funny; I wonder if anyone could have predicted that the one member of the original ensemble who would genuinely graduate into an elevated "I'm too good for that now" level of success was Keira Knightley.

Her timing in the scene with Mike Judge (as her boss discussing the "flair") is incredibly good.

He was told "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack." That's according to Card himself. (Corroborated by people scrutinizing the video.)

He just fucking sits there like the stupid, arrogant, spoiled shithead he is. (And it's not like there was a single moment when he ever appeared to be anything else.) That day was the darkest moment in one of the worst periods in American history.

You know what's "exhausting"? Five or six thousand dead American soldiers (and that's just Iraq). Four thousand New Yorkers dead and the World Trade Center destroyed (and that's not counting the planes or the Pentagon).

The more you talk, the angrier I get. I don't have to have any "empathy" for a man who once mimicked a Texas death row inmate (who was attempting to commute her sentence) by saying "Please don't kill me" in a falsetto. He's a monster and I hope he burns in hell (and I'm not even religious.) So many people are dead and