Jordan Orlando

It's better than Hayden Christiansen as a Sith Lord.

They're not the same! Get your facts straight Falbo!

That is just so excellent, I can't even believe it.

Absolutely. It was one of Reagan's favorite movies; he even ended a speech with its final line (about how we "won't need roads" where we're going), at his insistence according to speechwriter Peggy Noonan.

If you'd asked me last week, I'd have said "no" (because that bat-plane was pretty bad). But now I've seen Interstellar and I'd give you a "yeah, pretty much." (Just because the stuff is pretty close but it's still not nearly as astonishing as the material in Gravity, which is the best direct comparison. It's just all

That stuff doesn't really work, because the technology's just not up to what he's trying to do with it. (If you look on the Netflix comment/ratings page for Beowulf you see nothing but outraged customers screaming "This sucked! Terrible animation!") But I still stand by what I said above: he's trying to push the form

Ed Koch actually talked about that, sometime in late 2001 or early 2002. The city was directly involved in the original construction and he talked about how they even still had the blueprints.


Zemeckis is one of the very few filmmakers (including David Fincher and Spielberg) who seems to really, truly, deeply understand and care about CGI as an artistic tool — as an extension of the visual imagination of movies, rather than just as a necessary technical component that gets subcontracted out.

It's interesting turning to the topic of this movie, after having just read all the leaked/pirated Sony emails where Scott Rudin is raging about how "Angie" is "a spoiled brat" and "a camp event" with "minimal talent" who "will do anything for attention" and "throws a tantrum if she doesn't get her toybox" (prompted

(Third comment in a row)

It's too bad James Cameron is busy with his blue big-nosed people which he has somehow convinced himself is a better idea.

It just demonstrated that, against all taste or reason, Schwarzenegger is the necessary ingredient.

Looks embarrassing; awful

I just don't get all the Glen hate. Glen's a dude.

One of the very best examples of this is the end of An American
Werewolf in London. That little pause when the werewolf is
looking at Jenny Agutter…it's heartbreaking. And then it snarls and
leaps and all the cops fire at once…and the last shot is poor old
David Naughton, naked and full of lead. Just spectacular.

Right. Well, I like Alien 3 more than most people (especially in its alternate cut, which is on the new Blu-ray and other places) but then I dislike Aliens more than most simply because I am deeply, madly, truly in love with the atmosphere, design, music, photography, acting, pacing, and pretty much every other

It's one of the best mixes of all time. It starts with "Jump into the Fire" (which it returns to more than once) but it also includes the Stones' "Memo From Turner," "Magic Bus," George Harrison's "What is Life" and Muddy Waters' "Mannish Boy."

People's negative reactions to Beth's death (not the more nuanced, critical takes from people who feel that it was "unearned" or didn't make enough narrative sense; the ones who are just like, "No! Not Beth! I liked her! That sucks! And it sucks for Maggie and Daryl!" etc.) remind me of how people reacted to Alien 3.

He could just hold up cards