Jordan Orlando

You didn't find the tortuous logistics and power structure off-putting or confusing?

You too, huh? My gaydar must be on the fritz.

Yeah, I kept thinking about how anyone and anything could have been behind any of those doors.

Right, apologies for the vitriol and exaggeration, but what I'm saying is that you (and the rest) are assuming facts not in evidence — you're taking something that hasn't been shown and assuming it's actually there the "dumb" way rather than the way that makes sense.

That's what I thought! But it's still going! It won't stop!

Well if, you're told somebody is alive and you react with total shock I think it's a fair bet you thought that person was dead, wouldn't you say?

A cook? You can say that.

What about all those scenes when Shepherd was a hostage? Did you think it was Dawn then?

Honestly, the shot that's sticking with me the most is that droid.

She thought she was dead. She didn't go around mentioning Herschel either.

I never, ever, ever thought that…it was clear from the start that it was pure Brinksmanship and dominance games. I didn't catch any sexual overtones at all. But, who knows; maybe it was Ben Hur and I missed it.

The hospital just didn't work because the concept was muddy and unclear; there seemed to be a subtlety to what was happening that they never quite got across.

I'm glad it wasn't anyone else.

Well, point taken. But I still think that referring to "animated versions that look however we want" just doesn't get across the pure visceral shock of seeing modern photorealistic CGI for the first time. I mean, speaking of Serkis, I saw the most recent Apes (Dawn or Rise; I can't keep the titles straight) and was

Hey, that's great! Thanks.

You know, if you take out all the titles and black film, the trailer's only 39 seconds of actual footage. (I just did this)

The typography is interesting. "The Force Awakens" is in such a retro font — I haven't checked yet but I think it might match the "A Long Time Ago…In a Galaxy Far, Far Away" type on the original 1977 posters.

What a jerk

It's different, that's all. Mostly because Abrams is obviously aware of the comparison (with that other trailer) and is trying to come at it from a fresh direction.

I'm not sure I agree. I mean I see your point, but the whole phenomenon of digital cinematic imagery is pretty subtle and counter-intuitive for people who don't get it.