Jordan Orlando

Everyone says stuff like this…like, surmising that he keeps changing the movies and re-releasing them "for the money." I don't buy it.

A tiger in Africa?

Well, imagine how Luke felt!

Quite correct — apologies for misusing "literally."

I think they're admirable as hell for relentlessly pursuing their left-wing agenda on the huge sci-fi-blockbuster scale. V For Vendetta and Cloud Atlas are relentlessly progressive/liberal in their sensibilities and in their storytelling. More power to them.

It's just supposed to be cool.

That entire sequence is actually pretty amazing.

There's no way in hell that droid's a practical effect. It's got to be pure CGI.

He delivers the line brilliantly, though. That pause before "…to the good side" really sells it.

It's weird because the jokes in Star Wars are actually pretty good. Threepio and Artoo's schtick engaged with audiences immediately, around the world; it was fantastic. The whole first half hour you've got nothing to react to except the mutt-and-jeff robots and they're delightful. (And it works with us only hearing

Absurd, sir!

You know, that guy's really working it. He's doing such a great job of it that everyone actually knows who he is by name and he's getting straight roles.

I think it would be funny if Artoo kept trying to blow him up or incinerate him because he was so irritating.

Is this the first canonical reference to the Force's "light side" as such?

No, there was a black rebel pilot in the Battle of Endor. (He blew up.)

What we really need here is a bunch more really long comments that follow this template:

That's Oscar "Llewyn Davis" Isaac!

Anyone else getting a big stack of those fucking "Small Business Saturday" banners at the top of the page and the topmost one keeps fucking expanding and scrolling the entire page back up there every two minutes while you're trying to read comments?

I actually think it was supposed to be somebody else.

Right, but come on. For two movies there's a "Rebel base" and it's a very big deal. Tarkin and then Vader are going bananas just trying to find it. (Blowing it up will mean "the end of the rebellion," according to Tarkin.) When they do find it (via probe droid), it's so scary that the Rebels start an evacuation the