Jordan Orlando

I'm not being remotely facetious. I love the Star Wars sound — all of it.

"I'm glad you're here to tell us these things"

Those new stormtroopers seem like Iraq-style "residual peacekeeping forces."

But you'll succumb to "Darth Vadar from Vulcan" with his Edward Van Halen cassette

I think it's like postwar Germany…everything's all messed up, but there are pockets of innovation and industry.

I refer you to the asteroid field sequences in The Empire Strikes Back.

Yeah, the Zodiac environments. Good example. My personal favorite is the Western town in the Coens' True Grit. Matte World Digital.

Those were the old X-Wings.

Clearly not, because she was expressing a recognizable human emotion.

I wonder if Chewie's going to be all gray.

It's probably the single best idea in the entire project.

I agree, but I'll go much further. I think it was brilliant from start to finish. It reminded me of Salinger and Tennessee Williams; that incredible, dream-like haze of nostalgia for a vanished past, and the incredible soulfulness of the story of a failed and forgotten artist finding his voice through his grief (at

They don't make any sense without "the Force" allowing you to actually deflect projectiles with them (especially Star Wars "laser blasts" that move so incredibly slowly that you can follow them across the screen with a naked eye). In real life, you're right, they're useless against a gun-wielding opponent.

Maybe all this Katniss bullshit qualifies? I don't know.

Best BWAAAMP ever.

"If they would BAR WARS, think I might die"

I love that things are so awful by the time of ANH that the Emperor literally dissolves the Senate and we find out about it just from a guy walking into the room and saying he's "just received word" that it happened.

Somewhere out there are other people besides myself who regard Inside Llewyn Davis as a masterpiece.

I have a particular fondness for the first Palpatine swordfight (where he kills three Jedi immediately and then has that fierce battle with Windu, while everyone is still going "He's got a lightsaber and can use it?") It's got an evil nastiness to it that's missing from most of the other Prequel stuff.

Super 8 was total crap.