Jordan Orlando

I remember that the TPM trailer totally got me with "The death toll is catastrophic!"

It had two lens flares. Go look again.

Nobody can correctly identify CGI. By definition, when it's good you can't see it at all because it looks exactly like non-CGI footage.

You don't always get everything you want in these movies about THE FUTURE OF EARTH SPACE TRAVEL

Yeah, and he totally sucks at trying to do the same thing himself (as in the excrable Super 8). He's a better filmmaker when he abandons those ambitions (as he did with both Star Trek movies, which are made in his own intrinsic style that I like.)

I just want it to "feel" like Star Wars.

And there would be Elliot Gould, Jill Clayburgh, Tony Randall, Kris Kristofferson and Evel Knevel.

Never saw that. I am chastened.

All of Star Wars (even the prequels at their worst) is saturated with this wonderful, nameless "old-fashioned" quality that I'm really worried is going to be absent from this new one (now that I've seen this trailer).

Star Wars should never have any "classic Spielbergian" shots. They have no place in Star Wars at all. The two aesthetics are totally antithetical.

I totally agree. It's lacking that old-world "Hollywood" romantic veneer that even the prequels had their own version of.

It's an art site.

"F. U. 69"

I just popped in the Blu-ray and watched that whole sequence again, last week. From Padme and Anakin being towed into the arena to the sail opening on Dooku's spacecraft, it's just fantastic…it never stops. It feels like one of those crummy old adventure movies you watch on a weekend afternoon (and I mean that in the

Well, I guess that shows us!

Being able to identify the vintage of movies based on their appearance isn't a sign of critical judgment?


1) I like lens flare just fine. (I just associate it with newer movies, because it's nearly impossible to add to effects shots believably in the pre-digital era.) It was there, halfway through the Falcon shot.

What's wrong with those sentences? All three Iron Man movies and this year's Godzilla are, visually and stylistically, the epitome of 2005-2015-era summer action movies. (Particularly Iron Man because that's ILM doing their post-Pirates, post-John Knoll digital thing that works so well, with all that dirt and

What I love is that every time he gets all "Step aside; I'm mister serious now" and plays the Wikileaks guy or whatever, he tanks.