Jordan Orlando

"I use antlers in all of my decorating"

And the completely unnecessary head orc from the Hobbit movies (who's even angrier).

That makes sense.

I wear a watch. Lots of people wear watches. There's a whole watch industry that's going strong.

Well obviously it was some kind of tactical "in the field" infantry-like signal, but I didn't quite understand it. Why have one guy positioned like that out of view so he can't see, while another guy is just standing there in plain sight, signaling him?

Why did Darryl keep poking Glenn in the chest during that one part of the escape when they were behind the corner of the boxcar? I didn't get it.

When everyone else is asleep, Maggie sneaks away from the circle of sleeping bags over to the baggage, and uses a scissors to cut away more and more from her collection of tank tops.

I can't say without giving away my point. Can't you tell that I'm trying to avoid spoilers? (Okay, it's the Jughead thing…but that's all I'll say.)

There's going to be lots and lots more Gareth and Terminus. It's obvious just from what we saw tonight.

My thoughts on the matter were significantly affected by my having read a certain series of comic books

I can't get the idea out of my head that the guy running Terminus is some kind of demented Steve Jobs parody.

You've got to include the people on the helicarriers.

I was thinking they got Redford involved by emphasizing that it's essentially Three Days of the Condor combined with a Watergate metaphor (I loved when they actually cut from Redford to the Watergate) — but, in the end, the whole thing somehow felt so muddle-headed that I wondered whether they'd actually made that

Agreed. Anyone who doubts Sam Shepard's talent needs to watch that scene.

Anyone who doesn't understand Costner's appeal needs to go back and watch The Untouchables again.

It's a just world.

I love this movie and have been listening to its Ry Cooder soundtrack album since the mid-eighties.

What do you mean, "Dean Stockwell of Quantum Leap?"

I used to imagine that going to Hell would mean that you have to personally do all the work that every computer has ever done for you in your whole life, by hand, on paper.

Another great detail I noticed the second time through: The Hooli Founder/CEO is supposed to be such a brilliant, messianic visionary…yet he's constantly baffled by the simplest stuff.