Jordan Orlando

The production design is superb! It's like the rooms in Wall Street (where the production designer admitted that she was parodying many of the nouveau riche styles of the time)— everything is exaggerated just the right amount, so that it's never in your face (except for the narrow car joke) but there's this constant,

Big Head is already my absolute favorite. He's so small, and he's always standing around amongst the others with a dubious look on his face, reacting.

What's great about comparing it to Office Space is, you could watch Office Space and entertain the illusion that the reason their lives are all so uniformly horrible is that (a) the're so far from the action — so removed from the tops of any hierarchies, or anything interesting going on in the business they're in; or

I thought of The Verdict (Paul Newman/Sidney Lumet/David Mamet movie from 1981).

And there are (for example) comic books in .cbr and .cbz format which are just containers for stacks of .jpg files and the "reader" decompresses the necessary pages on the fly in RAM.

They're not. There are various degrees of lossiness (and most of the loss is placed outside of the human hearing spectrum, which is part of the original protocol).

Remember that the site makes you download the proprietary player, so you can tell (at least, mostly) you're not being hoodwinked if you look at the packets, etc. (It's made clear that they got together people to really look at it and try to crack it.)

And Mitch Hedberg died.

Must we?

Too bad. I wish that had worked out better (if only because the concept of American Keira Knightley is so awesome).

I personally find all of Whedon's stuff incredibly cloying and saccharine (including Cabin in the Woods and Firefly) and his "clever" dialogue only slightly better than Sorkin's.

And Captain Britain!

I can see your point, except that I agree with those who say that Thor is a much better character when he's an arrogant, vain jerk (rather than the earnest team-player he's become "after New York").


Yeah. I'm just kind of getting the sense that Hamm isn't going to make it as a movie star.

Yeah, okay.

That wasn't actually him…it was Loki creating an illusion. Why can't you pay attention!

I'm as much of a Deakins fan as anyone. All of that was incredible (from the first shot on) (although I could have used the gunbarrel opening). And I'm glad he did it, because, had he not, he would have done Inside Llewyn Davis instead of Bruno Delbonnel (who created one of the most jaw-droppingly amazing two hours of


I understand that I'm in the minority. It's no fun…but there it is. I'm part of a small contingent that preferred Quantum of Solace to Skyfall, too. I realize this makes me "weird."