Jordan Orlando

They totally distract you from wondering (1) where the hell there's room for all the thrust engines, fuel, ammunition etc. inside the suit and (2) how he can possibly control all its systems without any kind of interface besides that heads-up display.

Because Iron Man 3 was so awful, and didn't have Favreau's deft touch. I know, it sounds ridiculous based on the rest of their work, but comic book movies are apparently a weird challenge.

Yeah! Totally. What I love about the Marvel movies is that they (unlike every DC movie) seem determined to embrace the anachronisms and make them believable.

Go to it, man…I'll owe you one.

I absolutely hated Iron Man 3 (although what do I know; I really liked 2) and I thought Thor The Dark World was merely okay, but kind of dull, mostly because they could not have created a blander or duller villain.

Yes. Yes it is. The reviewer is saying that it's better than Iron Man 3 and Thor The Dark World. That's all.

The Iron Man armor is better (but maybe it doesn't count as a "costume" since it's CGI in nearly all scenes).

I wish the review had fewer spoilers, or that I hadn't read it, or both.

Because they make you eat human meat first. They try to indoctrinate you before they give up and put you in a box to be eaten later. I'm sure a distressingly high number of people join them. ("Those who arrive, survive.")

Well, "make you a plate" was the first nasty pun.

I don't get this business about it being so "heavy." It's a horror story that works as drama/thriller/suspense. That's not so unusual. You could say the same thing about The Shining or Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Of course it's intense; it's supposed to be intense.

Kind of like the "Whooooooossssssshhhhhhhh" sound of that obvious plot point going right over soverybored's head.

The more I think about this episode and this season, the more I like it…and the more frustrated I become with the reviewer and all the negative commenters.

That makes sense. Thanks.

I've read at least a dozen Elmore Leonard novels (including two of the ones that use the Raylan Givens character) and I can't recommend him highly enough.

[Hundreth or thousandth comment pleading for those of you who find it "unbearable" to just go watch something else and stop spoiling our fun]

Anyone got any bright ideas about the room with the candles they fled through?

It's not "hack"! Just because it happens every time. That's like saying that mob movies or war movies are "hack" because the same human traits inevitably come out.

Oh for— You've got to be kidding me. So the show that's been dismissed as "slow," "formulaic" and "simplistic" actually imbues its story with some depth by going beyond the zombie apocalypse circumstances and actually providing a social critique…and that's your complaint?

There were five each time.