Will Ryan

I don't know. I think great action has less to do with physicality and movement (by themselves) than it does with cause and effect. Indiana Jones, for my money, has the best action scenes ever, and it's because they tell their own this-therefore-this story (grounded in character, no less).

Good review! But I disagree that the film took sides. The end was careful not to feel triumphant and it stayed on the pirates and Phillips rather than assuming the perspective of the SEALs, which would have been a mistake.

They could seriously get through Crows in 1-3 episodes. Makes sense.

Also, Hawkwind's Space Ritual.

Also, Hawkwind's Space Ritual.

Embryonic is sort of amazing amazing.

Embryonic is sort of amazing amazing.

What an awful time in American pop culture. I was def in the demo at the time, and it's insane how ubiquitous this show was for teens in its prime.

It's not a feud until AV Club uses the word "feud", so YOU stop being dumb!

I don't think important is always immediate. How many classic records didn't make there position until years later? Yeah, there was no important, big record in terms of mass consumption that everyone was listening to like MPP or MBDTF as mentioned, but I agree with the people who've said The Weeknd's albums are pretty

A lot of good points, but I think where The Walking Dead loses me (I stopped watching after season 1) is I fucking hate the characters because they act in such an illogical contrived manner and the writers hang them so hard on cliche that it's hard for me to stomach. So it's one thing if the characters aren't that

Yeah, what? Blade Runner especially had Ridley's personal touch all over it.

Stop messing with my head. Those lines turn the movie on in my head. I've watched it too many times.

I get super energetic and don't show any of the bloodshot, squinting, etc signs. So whatever man. But hallucinating - yeah that never plays.

The civil rights line is so contrived.

say that about Bush too.

I thought…
it was pretty obvious from the trailers that this wasn't going to be in the vein of a western or an alien invasion movie, but a big dumb blockbuster. Expectations, yo.

Rogan's Canadian

Sounds like…
There'll be some ambiguity, which I think is prob the best step. All the questions in the Alien universe are more interesting left as questions.

Holy shit…
They're almost too perfect.