
Love that this has turned into an unofficial NFL Talk thread. It is on TV, how about it AV Club? Let's get a few more discussion topics. Can't claim it's not entertaining, there's more drama in the NFL off-season than all of network TV.

Ahh, this sounds like extreme sour grapes more than everything they are claiming being true. I believe some of this, only some. It sounds like they were upset and regret the process they signed up to be a part of more than anything else, and for that, they shouldn't get one red cent. I am willing to believe some of

How is there no mention of one of the best scenes in the episode where the young, caring priest drops all pretenses, turns into a straight up friend and tells Josh he's "being a little bitch" and then breaks it down specifically how it all happened? I can't be the only one who was dying during that scene. It was a

Rebecca showed her hand way too early. If they want to keep things consistent, she ought to be on the chopping block by season's end. The Senator hasn't been kind to others who have connected the dots about NZT and her thinking she's FBI is going to keep her safe is ridiculous. Christina Vidal was great as Lucy Church

I'm seeing people really loved this episode, but I thought it was rather disjointed and had major flow issues. Like they should have stayed in Earth 2, Harry was surprisingly cranky after the progress in the last episode, and Barry should have done a better job being his Earth 2 counterpart, like with Iris, like he

This feels like a comparison review, and it sets the show up to come across as lacking. It also assumes everyone has watched the British show and they haven't. Is everyone on the British version a professional baker? This group doesn't appear to be so, it seems like everyone is amateur and not classically trained, so

I was hoping for a little more 10 Items or Less and a little less The Office with Superstore. Will be watching tonight and hoping for the best given how much I like some of this cast.

It would be way more than their meager budget could handle. Way, way more.

That's exactly what it felt like, and the mom would also be pissed if the dad tried to undermine what she already told the kid was going to happen. And you have to think this we haven't even seen the number of times he's argued for film and been told digital. And we've seen it enough times already to know he's been

Joanna Cassidy was fantastic. But, is she staying? Because as was the case last season, I'm enjoying the leads the least and everyone else a lot more, though I do like Russ a lot more this season than I did last. And I always love Judy Greer, so this is a true outlier for me. I stuck around last season because of it's

Those are regular money problems. Most people would question the cost of a trip to Hawaii. They were barely getting by last season and their money problems dominated the tone of the first season in many interactions along with his not getting sex. That's why it was just beyond ridiculous when Lina was insistent on

Not a fan of this episode. Lina was back to the character that is hard to like this episode. She's so whiny. It's super annoying. It's strange how their extreme money problems seem to have disappeared this season even if they aren't living the high life. She complains about motherhood a lot still, but I'm not saying

How is Sarah still alive and well? Alive I get, she's the center of the show, but she throws caution to the wind, endangers herself and those around her. Acts before thinking things completely through and puts herself in constant jeopardy. And yet, I can't really remember a time when she's been truly injured and it's

Allison's storyline makes no sense whatsoever. It's hard to complain about it because I'm enjoying it, but it is an odd inclusion at this point. The others are making sure they don't get killed, trying to solve their genetic problems, and searching for the kidnapped sister, and Allison is playing undercover pill

Paul is deserving of more attention than he is getting in these reviews, but this is a good start. He's a major red flag because his story and his character's timeline doesn't make much sense and it's suggestive that they are making this up as they go along. Now, we find out the Castor clones are their brothers.

There's too much here that isn't making a lot of sense. Sarah's obsessed with finding Helena and knows their lives are in danger, but she thinks it's okay to casually play house with Cal and leisurely travel around and not look over her shoulder, and not carry a weapon to protect herself in case on the Castor clones,

Why furious? What she said was true and it's not apples to apples. Community has a much rougher and longer shooting schedule than Odd Couple. The difference in shooting a multi cam sitcom and a single cam. If you want to know more about it, look it up online, Julia Louis-Dreyfus has discussed the how different the

I hope the previews for next week are to be believed and there's a quick reunion for Abbie and Ichabod. Showing Abbie being treated like a slave is something I have zero interest in watching and is certainly a road that will lead to this show losing me. I'm not as excited about her going into the past as others

What's up with the ratings this week? A "C"? This was a B at worst. A great episode overall, how something small can turn into a massive fight for barely a good reason. Loved how it was Dre who seemed to be the problem, but Bow joined right in. The stuff with the kids worked too.

A "C "is way too harsh. Did we watch the same thing? This was a funny episode with some fantastic lines throughout.