
Not sure it will have a lasting legacy. Both shows you referenced were actually popular, not pseudo popular like Girls. If someone is still thinking about it in 10 to 20 years, I think that will be the win right there, in any context.

Sort of a random list. But it's a welcome surprise to see Forrest MacNeil on this list. Hard pass on the Lorelai Gilmore inclusion.

This is a great move. For people like me who tune in for the "Colbert Report" part but skip most of the interviews anyway, this works out really well. Topical and timely commentary instead of throwaways that might make you turn to the competition. It's a little innovative for CBS who never seems to care about being

I'll remain annoyed because Fox because they canceled it pretty darn quick, I want to say after 4 episodes and I watched more of the series on cable (I think it was Logo, but can't say for sure) where it later aired in full than I did on Fox. Also, WB was another network who may have thought to air this as well, but

How young is this article writer? Can't believe this didn't mention that ABC already did this. It was called Making the Band. Circa 1999 or 2000. That show that MTV made successful with Diddy at the helm in the mid 2000s? It started on ABC with the goal of forming the next big boy band with the skeevy sleazeball

Looked nothing like Janet (or her previously casted sisters) and wasn't really a comedic actress. Daphne Maxwell Reid had been in many things, but rarely was it comedy. She's much better in dramatic or comedy/drama roles than a regular sitcom. It was true then and it's true now.

It's not a good look, but I get it. And if we heard from many actors who were scrapped early from successful shows (Facts of Life Season 1 actors not named Molly Ringwald, and Amy Locane from early MP come to mind), I'd expect many of them to be just as bitter if they never reached anywhere near the same success later

There is so much here unrelated to the show, I'm guessing some group sent trolls over here who literally know nothing about what they are writing.

Within an inch of her life? Hyperbole isn't going to help you make your case. He was in the wrong for sure. Stop acting like Rihanna was on life support.

I liked both 1600 Penn and Growing Up Fisher. NBC didn't do a good job promoting either. And Whiplash was a critical darling later that year and JK Simmons won the Golden Globe and Oscar soon after. Nice job, NBC.

I'd be more likely to watch this if they hosted and judged in-character as Leslie and Ron. Otherwise, we'll see I guess, but doesn't sound like my kind of thing.

Oh yeah. Tim Allen. Happened in Michigan, busted by undercover agents at the airport if memory serves. Convicted on drug trafficking charges and turned evidence on enough other dealers that he worked his possible life sentence down to a few years. It's ridiculous how this man skated when others served 30 years to life

I was positive that book jacket closeup was going to say something, some small inclusion slipping in the name George or Harry given the book so clearly by Larry Henderson. Maybe it's just me, but felt like a missed opportunity to slip it in some Harry and the Hendersons reference.

Yes, Parks & Rec was a mid-season replacement. To the poster below, so was The Office. Neither premiered in the summer, they were winter/spring mid-season replacements.

It was funny enough, not flawless, but entertaining throughout with funny tidbits. No one at AV Club has liked this show for years. Stop covering it. It's what you do with every other show you stop liking, but instead you keep this season after season and constantly criticize. Clearly you keep it around because of the

And Season 3 premieres on what date exactly? How do you not include that in this article? Come on guys.

AV Club (or maybe it's similar writers each time) need to stop dragging The Following like it's the worst, most unsuccessful show in history. It was not pulled midway through it's first episode like you make one think. You refer to that as Kevin's not so successful show when it lasted 3 seasons. Hidden Palms lasted

Doesn't sound like it'll be anywhere near as good as Chozen. But good for Bobby.

Excited about Casey being in a new series. Busy too. But Bradley Whitford is playing their dad??? Wow. Hope they are planning on explaining that he was a teen dad.

I forgot Michael Keaton had gotten high and mighty there for a bit, no wonder he was playing the president dad in First Daughter and the dad in Herbie Fully Reloaded. And I mean, I thought The Paper was a good movie, but even after the Batman movies in the early 90s, he wasn't lighting it up by any stretch with good