Mr. List

It has to be Barney's sister.

I called up Netflix about saving "Awake" and the girl I spoke to was very helpful.


And with the cancellation, so sarcasm died.

I'm fairly confidant Kathy Bates will land on her feet.

Terry O'Quinn gets a show but Emile DeRavin does not.

Yes, but he only was onscreen for a minute at most.

The only funny parts were when Dwight and Mose switched positions in the chase and then Angela finding out she was following Mose.

Great episode but not enough Jean-Ralphio. Got off on a technicality!

Too bad, Dr Livingstone. There's nothing important in the scene, but it is funny.

The movie has been out in foreign territories for a week. I don't know why it was released overseas before here. It might have been some strategy to combat piracy, but that doesn't seem to make sense since China pirates American films more than any other country and it didn't open in China until today, so that seems

Well, Maria Hill IS A WOMAN. So I'm not sure why they wouldn't cast a woman in the role. I was a little disappointed that they didn't flesh her out too much though beyond being Fury's right hand. I guess that will have to wait for a sequel - Avengers or more likely Captain America 2.

In the US, we get the Thanos scene after the main cast credits, then it went into the full credits. After that they are in the restaurant Tony was talking about (seemingly right after the big battle) eating shawarma.

Yeah, since the Chitauri are the Ultimate Comics version of the Skrulls. Even though they didn't shapeshift in any way, it might confuse things to use the Skrulls.

My guess is that he's learning how to control it given that he turned into The Hulk at will when needed in the last act.

Yup. Then he went back to Asgard with Loki at the end, so my guess is they will repair the Bi-Frost towards the beginning of Thor 2 to get him back to Earth again.

Fury did say that the medical team arrived and called it.

I was thinking perhaps a knowledge of The Winter Soldier or maybe something that leads in to Secret Wars.

She was explaining her relationship with Hawkeye as a ploy to have Loki let his guard down so she could find out about his plan ie: Why he wanted to get himself captured.

I think the only place the Captain America sequel really can go is Winter Soldier. That also might make it a full on SHIELD movie, so Hawkeye and Black Widow could make sense to be in it too.