Mr. List

There was the rumor that Coulson would become The Vision in the post-credits scene. I'm glad that didn't happen here, but I wouldn't mind Hank Pym using his body to create Vision in the Ant-Man movie. Or to be a little closer to the comics, Pym creates Ultron and then Ultron creates Vision and Vision turns on his

I think I was the only one in the theater that knew it was Thanos.

I missed the line too because the theater was laughing so hard. I wondered what he said.

This news just sucks. I don't even know what else to say right now. Just shitty.

Can I go to sleep and wake up and it be July 20? Because that would be great, then I wouldn't have to wait for this to come out.

As great as Roger has been throughout the series, I think frying balls helped him look at things in a new way and… expand his mind (cliche, I know).

i thought idiotking was asked to stay out of the "For Newbies" discussions.

I know it has been said repeatedly, but Roger was on point this episode. Hilarious for most of the episode and then he gets to the award ceremony and kicks it up another notch, even before he gets the hummer from Megan's mom.

Shockingly quick ending for Renly. I thought he or Stannis would die in battle with each other, but the smoke monster as an assassin was pretty cool and I didn't see it coming.

Great episode.

At the beginning of the episode I said to myself, "there's no way Pete can fix a leaky faucet."


I thought this was the best episode so far this season. Tyrion's power plays, especially in that single scene where we see him broker deals with Pycelle, Varys and Littlefinger, was really fun to watch. I'd hate to be an Emmy voter and have to choose between Dinklage and Brian Cranston.

Perhaps, but it also begs the question "what happens to the infants?"

Yes, yes, yes. A million times yes.

The glowing blue eyes were a dead giveaway that it was a White Walker. That was a fairly big revelation. Definitely bigger than just Craster killing his sons.

David Wain!

A lot of the Dothraki left once Drogo fell ill from the cut that got infected. "A Khal that can't ride is no Khal at all."

I can't speak for all of us newbies, but I read A Game of Thrones after season 1 aired and I plan of reading A Clash of Kings after this season.

She was just dripping with sex all episode, especially that song and dance number. Wow.