Mr. List

Good. I'm not the only one that recognizes Porcupine Man.

It was Mindy Kaling.

But in the comics it makes complete sense when Andrea and Dale start hooking up.

I can safely say that right now in the comics Lori is not as terrible as she is on the show.

Michonne did have the two walkers with her when she first appeared in the comics. There is a reason she has them that makes sense.

Don't get me wrong, I liked parts. Losing the farm was pretty cool, even though there were times when none of the characters seemed to be thinking straight (a common occurrence). I liked Rick's speeches even though some of the reactions, especially Lori's, were pretty dumb.

Oh, and it happens in Woodbury during the start of The Governor's craziness.

I doubt he'll lose it on the show. A year or two ago Kirkman gave an interview where he said he regretted taking Rick's arm and that if he could do it again, he wouldn't. The TV Show is basically a second chance so Rick will probably keep the arm.

There were many frustrating things about this episode (just like the whole series) however the episode was saved by two things: Michonne and the Prison.

If you guys could help set one of these up in the Bay Area here in Northern California I'd be very happy. The Adventures of Pete and Pete was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid.

The timelines. It seems Earth-1 is merging with 1-A now that Peter's back. You can really see it in the characters. Walter-A is becoming more and more like our Walter and obviously with everything Amberlivia is going through she is becoming more and more like Ourlivia.

I haven't read the review or the comments yet. I just watched the episode and I think it might be the best episode of the season.

California please.

Maybe I should comment instead of just lurking here.

Well done.

It wasn't a history class, it was a Poli Sci class.

An acronym has to be a pronounceable word. Other wise it is just initials. So the C has to be left out for Belfast and Tuscon. SAMCRO, SAMBEL, SAMTAZ are all essentially words. It is like SCUBA - Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

There is a point where
you move from eccentric to insane.

Also, I am new to the AV Club posting process (but have read the comments for over a year), so how do I change my avatar here? I keep doing everything I think I should, but nothing is working. I'm lost.

21 and 1/2 Months.
If Breaking Bad Skipped 2012 that would be the wait between seasons.