Vagina Fantastic

There are very few critics who can review a thing for what it is and not
what they want it to be. The world's got one less now. God dammit. You will be sorely, sorely missed, Rog.

Now see, if this movie was directed by a shambling, undead Coleman Francis, I would totally go see it.

Very good, Caffeine Spider. Now let's hear you call Aaron Paul a cocksucker.


You said you wouldn't ever leave me.
I know. I’m sorry. You have my whole heart. You always did. You’re
the best guy. You always were. If I’m not here you can still talk to me.
You can talk to me and I’ll talk to you. You’ll see.

"Maybe he understood for the first time that to the boy he was
himself an alien. A being from a planet that no longer existed. The
tales of which were suspect. He could not construct for the child’s
pleasure the world he’d lost without constructing the loss as well and
he thought perhaps the child has known this

If I want Arkin as a magician, I'll skip this noise and go watch The Last Unicorn again, thanks.

Spielberg, hell. How else do you think David Fincher does it?

Of course we did. Best dad ever, man.

The reason for this being that at a young age you like unicorns, at middle age all you want to do is read it and cry over Molly Grue. One of the few books that gets better every year I re-read it.

This, I think. Dude is not easy to direct (don't quote me on this, but I believe the only director he's worked with more than once is Wes Anderson, of all people) and I think it's less Norton being a 'weaselly prick' and more just him being a hyper-intelligent perfectionist/control freak. Which is a horrible

The girl playing Man Who Fell To Earth-era Bowie/Young Hip Stalker #1 is Dutch model Saskia De Brau. Rowr. Rowr to everyone in this goddamned video, while I'm at it.

I too came here just to WTF at the 'hard candy' line, because Turkish Delight sure as heck shouldn't be hard.

I will vouch for the original Pound Puppies cartoon actually being pretty amusing, upon a re-watch several years back. Had that low-key Garfield and Friends kind of humour going on a lot.

Her cover of 'Knock Loud' tears my heart into little strips and then eats them like that weird kid in class devouring notebook sheets. She uses that voice like a fucking weapon. I saw her live a year or two ago and when she opened her mouth and started belting it out, the sheer force was enough to make your hair stand

That fucking quote, man. It kills me every time.

I'm 31 now and I still want to be Dana Scully when I grow up.

I'm 31 now and I still want to be Dana Scully when I grow up.

My bad; I read the part about the '90s movies after just waking up.

Juan_Carlo: That may be because it didn't come out in the 1990s. Roger Rabbit was a 1988 release and a true '80s movie through and through. Also not particularly a kid's movie.