Loser Name

Truly, they were an aqua teen hunger force.

Interesting if true.

"My fellow Americans. As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball; but
tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward;
and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"

I'm sure they'll be fine.



Or "flammable".

After much internal debate, I can not nominate an aqua teen episode. Either this season stunk or I got old.

Did you see that sky today? Talk about blue.


That guy's head is so full of chowda, he oughta have a bread bowl for a beard!

When describing something as a minor Pixar effort, it helps to consider the context. Not to sound hyperbolic, but I personally believe that WallE is mankind's ultimate achievement. It is the reason we exist as a species. In a thousand years, the aliens who inhabit this planet will look at it the way we currently view

Viruses don't have cells.

So this is about the Red Rocket? I think he's due for a big game 7.

I guess I also saw the show as primarily a conflict between the Starks and Lannisters. I'm annoyed with this show, since it spent 3 seasons building a conflict that's ended disappointingly and most of the remaining plot lines are duds.

Now let's rob that bank!

Can do, but Sartre is smartre. This GtG is about the novel by Albert Camus, right?

When I see that I think
Where's the love?