Also, the art is pretty damn great. I think of all the books so far I've enjoyed Silk Spectre the most (with Ozymandias a close second, although I could have read that one without the words and would have liked it almost as much).
Also, the art is pretty damn great. I think of all the books so far I've enjoyed Silk Spectre the most (with Ozymandias a close second, although I could have read that one without the words and would have liked it almost as much).
While this looks cool as shit, I'm a bit disappointed it's not a straight up Iron Fist movie, which Marvel still somehow hasn't made.
While this looks cool as shit, I'm a bit disappointed it's not a straight up Iron Fist movie, which Marvel still somehow hasn't made.
Still not as epic as N.E.X.Twave vs Fin Fang Foom! OMG he's wearing underpants!
Still not as epic as N.E.X.Twave vs Fin Fang Foom! OMG he's wearing underpants!
I must see that entire movie.
I must see that entire movie.
Wasn't his redesign before Kratos though?
Wasn't his redesign before Kratos though?
I don't know…I'm a huge fan of the Russian Psychic Dog (whose name escapes me). I'd pay just to see that.
I don't know…I'm a huge fan of the Russian Psychic Dog (whose name escapes me). I'd pay just to see that.
I also approve of this idea.
I also approve of this idea.
You don't need to look back two prequels….hell, roll it back two minutes to the scenes of Obi-Wan and Anikan fighting up the big tower thingie over the lava—there are at least three times that one of them "has the high ground" over the other which didn't seem to mean much.
Also, when you can jump about 1000 feet…
You don't need to look back two prequels….hell, roll it back two minutes to the scenes of Obi-Wan and Anikan fighting up the big tower thingie over the lava—there are at least three times that one of them "has the high ground" over the other which didn't seem to mean much.
Also, when you can jump about 1000 feet…
I wanted to like it, and many times that's enough to influence me to like something…but not this time. Visually it's amazing, story-wise (and individual sequence-wise) it left me wanting more. A LOT more.
I wanted to like it, and many times that's enough to influence me to like something…but not this time. Visually it's amazing, story-wise (and individual sequence-wise) it left me wanting more. A LOT more.
I never felt that way about any of the Star Wars movies, but I'm with you on The Goonies—I didn't understand then and can't understand now why anyone likes that movie.
I never felt that way about any of the Star Wars movies, but I'm with you on The Goonies—I didn't understand then and can't understand now why anyone likes that movie.
Clearly the OP was not a 7-year-old boy when Star Wars was released. I was, and let me tell you I had never, ever seen anything greater than Star Wars. I saw it 8 times that summer and loved it every time.