The Bourne Valedictorian

This one exists in that timeline where somehow Kristen pasty-face Stewart is hotter than Charlize Theron.

You know, when you were a kid…

You know, when you were a kid…

Maybe it's like Legend in that it looks really expensive, probably should have been cool, but is actually really boring?

Maybe it's like Legend in that it looks really expensive, probably should have been cool, but is actually really boring?

Psssht—-The original teaser trailer for Prometheus was great, way back when it first came out, but now that everyone's seen it the new trailers is just derivative bullshit that every old trailer has already been doing for years.

Psssht—-The original teaser trailer for Prometheus was great, way back when it first came out, but now that everyone's seen it the new trailers is just derivative bullshit that every old trailer has already been doing for years.

It would be fun to see them all one thread just throwing inanities at each other in some sort of weird meta comment loop thingie.

It would be fun to see them all one thread just throwing inanities at each other in some sort of weird meta comment loop thingie.

So…he was going to spank the monkey?

So…he was going to spank the monkey?

My all time favorite line from the movie series had to be from Naked Gun 2 1/2:

My all time favorite line from the movie series had to be from Naked Gun 2 1/2:

Community Mountain!

Community Mountain!

I'm a little worried about how Qhorin will play out—[SPOILERS!!!!]  John killing him is such a huge moment in the books, but he does it on Qhorin's own orders.  How will they be able to work that back in?  Also, are they completely dismissing the worg stuff?  I enjoyed the sequences in the book with the eagles

POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR BOOK 5 BUT EVEN IM NOT SURE ANYMORE>>>>>>Wait wait wait…didn't Littlefinger cop to it in the last book?  I could have sworn he did to get the Lannisters and Starks a killin' each other.  Shit, maybe it was Joffrey.  5000 pages tend to jumble over time…


"Wow you sure do know a lot about furries!  Now if you'll excuse me I need to go talk to…someone over there…[motions to other side of room]" 

I'm just amazed at how many people have made this joke.