The Bourne Valedictorian

My love for The Road comes from the place I was in life while reading it.  As a new father of a son the themes and ideas behind it were very significant to me.  Trying to raise a son in a world full of bad people but have him come out okay, and grow into a man I have to someday let go of and trust that I've made the

Why do so many people give a fuck about this song???

Oh God please let these never ever be answered.  Just like the rules to Calvin Ball.

Agreed—King doesn't nail the ending very often, but he sure did with this book.

I'm amazed at this point that there are this many people who want to know what "that" is.

I always loved the idea that too much delight led to delirium, which is clearly unhealthy (yet still looked like fun).  I too always wondered what happened to the first Despair.

I did the book and liked it just fine.

Where did Cain and Abel's wives come from was always the bigger question to me…

What the hell happens to Nina during Black Swan is more the question for me.  I did not understand that movie.

I have a friend that told me people applauded at the ending of "The King's Speech."  Who the fuck were those people?  I mean, it's good and all, but applause?  Really?

This one is my children's absolute favorite…

I love me some Coen Brothers, but I have never, ever been able to "get" that movie.  The whole thing is one long boring mess to me.  I listen to and appreciate other people's love for it, but I will never understand it.

So, some poor fat schlub who couldn't stop a crime if it was happening to him?  I think there are probably a lot of "opposites of Batman" here…yes, me included.

You can often times find the whole run on Ebay for a fraction of what you'd pay at Amazon.

While I agree with the sentiment that stealing it is wrong, wrong, wrong I can not ever support a piece of shit legislation like SOPA. 

I recently had the joy of discovering "Planetary" by Warren Ellis.  I can't remember the last time I was that involved in a story—I was pretty much amazed from start to finish, and even loved the "Batman" crossover. 

It's like the Bible intentionally left out what a disagreeable fellow he was….

That is amazing.

Strangely I'm craving a tom collins now…

So you're in for Step Up Revolution?