The Bourne Valedictorian

No doubt—I tried to watch them all in slo-mo but I was watching this last night and GoT was starting soon.  thanks for jotting these down!

Couldn't agree more—-my instant hatred of this sketch was unusual as I tend to be very forgiving of this show, but it was one of the worst things I've seen on SNL, maybe ever.  Not the least bit funny.

I actually fast-forwarded after watching for what felt like roughly three years.  I did not even crack a smile during the swedish thing.

Wow—-I'm all for differing opinions but yeah, that is one really stupid review.  He genuinely seemed like he wanted to hate the movie before he actually saw one second of it.

I actually liked the slow build with each "set piece" getting a little bigger and a little longer.  That really helped the end (what 40 minutes or so?) pay off.

Guessing which Avengers have been skrulls the whole time will be the most fun!  I can't wait until the big reveal in "Avengers 3: Secret Avengers" that every movie has secretly been planting skrulls all along just to get to this point.

As my 5-year-old said "Why are they fighting each other?"

Well, his name is the first to appear right after the movie ends, so it might have been circumstantial appluase in the theater I was in…

She was much prettier here than I ever expected from the books.

I wondered about that waitress myself—the movie seemed to focus on her quite a bit.

It just says "security guard"—I looked for this at my second showing after reading this comment.  Now I have to go see if that's what his cap says in Alien…

A couple of years ago I was saying this very same thing about an Avengers movie…

I didn't get this my first time seeing the movie, but Thanos is the one that orchestrates all of this—he's in an early scene (the alien stairs) with his back turned the whole time when the alien is talking to him.  The staff came from Thanos so clearly it's the infinity gem, and the alien mentions him in his

It was a matter of convenience for me—the 3D showing was the best time for me to go.  I'd heard it worked okay so I wasn't too concerned.  Mostly I didn't notice, a couple of scenes (flying mostly) worked really well, and there were one or two really strange looking scenes but they were short.  Overall it didn't

I bet they are kicking themselves over dropping Whedon's Wonder Woman now…

I took my 5-year-old to see this, and I would never, ever take him to see any of the Dark Knight movies (least, not for a few years).  There is such a difference in tone between the two it's really kind of amazing they're both from the same initial genre.

Yep—saw it twice (first time in 3D second time with my son in 2D) and loved it both times.  Also, understood who was running the whole show the second time.The last 45 mintues or so are basically what a 10-year-old pitching a comic book movie would have come up with, which makes it damn near perfect.

Iron Fist needs his own movie, and it needs to based on the awesome 7 cities storyline that came out a few years ago. 

I felt bad about where my eyes were going during the Loki interrogation scene…

I'd second that.  The scene after it was all she could do to stay alive in the same room with the Hulk looked like a pretty realistic reaction by someone with no powers to me.  Kind of the way you shake after almost being in a really bad car accident…