The Bourne Valedictorian

Worst part is they were vintage, so now they're ruined. Thanks a lot Fury, you ass!

I can tell you if I had the sort of power to give her a role in a movie if she did bad, bad things to me then you'd see her in even more films.

Totally agree on the line-reading.  That line got a HUGE laugh from the audience I was with. 

Well…he is adopted after all.

That is really awesome if it's true, and kind of awesome if it's a rumor.

Also the biggest laugh/cheer in the theater I was in, and the Thor cheap shot was a close second.  My personal second biggest-laugh was "he's adopted" although the whole "Why should I take orders from you?" sequence was pretty masterful as well.

I have enjoyed the graphic novels and their additions to the story as much as anything in the DT novels.

While I was put off at first about the Derry stuff, I ended up really enjoying it and understanding it's inclusion in the book.  King has always had a "Kingiverse" and the Dark Tower series just made it more overt.  I don't think 11/22/63 was DT related at all, just in the Kingiverse…

It's exceedingly hard for me to recommend anything after book four (although I loved four so apparently we differ there).  Five was mostly terrible, six not-quite-so-bad-as-five and seven was okay-mostly-because-it's-finally-done.  And I liked the end of Seven, which puts me in the minority for sure I think.

The delivery of that scene alone more than makes up for the small issues they've created with having Tywin at Harranhal.

It's also a bad thing, as this show may go on for a very, very long time.  Don't get me wrong—I love it, but the extra-long wait between seasons coupled with HBO's idiotic blu-ray policy means I have to get cable for 10 weeks every year…

They will be forcing a lot into the season if they move Joffrey's death up that much.

I think you're dead on as to how they will do it.  Could be wrong though as I assumed last week would close with Renly's death (and still think it should have).

I can not count how many times in this book series that I've been pissed off and seriously considered stopping altogether.   The (presumably upcoming) heads on spikes was the only time in this book, then there are at least four more times in the next two books.  Okay, maybe I can count them and five doesn't seem like


While I get why they ended last episode with the shadow-baby, I think ending it with Renly's death might have been smarter and a better cliff-hanger.  You could have completely quieted the complaints of last episode being too-short, and given the death a whole week to "simmer."  The aftermath of dealing with it and

I have to say I'm pretty surprised at omitting The Reeds as well.  If they keep the storyline and the kids split up then who will act as Bran's spirit guide?

I don't know…this sounds to me like "Looking For Mr Goodbar, the Really, Really Long and Dirty Version."

Consider it floated!

But then they'd have to change the show's name…or re-focus it on the new VEEP.  Either way it would just be confusing.