The Bourne Valedictorian

There are roughly 300,000 americans currently being sued (mostly by the porn industry, or hurt locker) that might disagree with you on that…

For a pilot I was laughing a lot.  That's my general scale for if I'll like a comedy.  It's not real complicated.  The humor was very subversive along the lines of others shows I'm a fan of—also, BUSTER!!!!

I can see a sub-level comparison to "Apt 23" but the shows are so tonally different I'd have a hard time comparing them. 

Ssshhh….he's doing a bit. 

Perhaps this will give you time to have that annoyingly delicious chocolate stigmata checked out by a professional, or a member of the clergy.  Hopefully not a fat member though.

VEEP was fucking hilarious.  I hope AVC gets on that one.

Well thank you India.  I'm washing my hands clean of this.

I laughed pretty hard at that myself, then immediately felt terrible.

That got the biggest laugh out of me in an episode I liked much more than the other recent episodes…

You know, crude drawings by "the next inhabitants" on cave walls would have been pretty awesome.

Also, you apparently had sex with her, so there's THAT.

[asks where a certain show is, realizes it's mentioned, says nevermind]

I personally laughed at the "System Purge" button because it was so ridiculous.  Every movie has one and so few can explaing why—I sort of thought that was the point but obviously that's just my opinion…

I thought the two movies basically had the same ending—as in almost shot for shot?  It's been a while since I've seen either so I could be mistaken.

I'll second both Jeepers Creepers and The Descent—Jeepers Creepers has about the most tense first 30 minutes of a movie I can remember seeing.  It falls apart a bit after that but is still pretty good.  The Descent is incredibly tense and atmospheric all the way through.

Having seen both, I can honestly tell you it does not resemble Vacancy in any way, shape or form, other than the fact that both are motion pictures.

I'm a fan myself—that bridge crossing from the Poster is just a classic moment in cinema in my brain.

And don't forget the paint-covered overalls!  Er…armor.

Knowing made that more tense for me—-just like when you know a character is about to die in a horror movie.  They are never aware of it, but usually we've seen the villian and know where he's hiding…

Yeah—I took it as a joke to explain why people do such stupid things in horror movies.  The stoner saying "REALLY???" made that part for me.