The Bourne Valedictorian

I immediately laughed when I heard her voice over the intercom—Alien was the first thing I thought of and her being the Virgin that gets to live.

I thought that was the whole point of the characters:  they become even more like the tropes as the movie progresses.  The nerdy guy gets glasses, remembers latin; the fool smokes pot through the entire movie; the whore gets …um…whorier, etc.  They were manipulating them with drugs to make them fit the archtypes more,

I assumed Weaver was the cameo due to her being one of the original "virgins" in Alien…

I can't remember a movie I was so looking forward to actually listening to the director's commentary the way I am this one—surely it will have director/Whedon commentary option.

I believe you're thinking of "The Gaurdian" which was truly, truly awful.

I'm a HUGE fan of horror movies and I loved every minute of "Cabin in the Woods."  Kevin!!!

I actually preferred the Swedish versions…it made it a little hard to sit through Fincher's vision when I knew everything that was going to happen and couldn't help mentally comparing the two.

See what you did?  You went and got him started.

Al:VH got a lot of laughs in our theater too.  Fortunately we also got the Looper trailer, and everyone was nice and quiet for that two minute of awesomeness.

Most films on planes are butchered beyond belief to remove all sex, violence and plane crashes.  I saw Rob Roy on a plane and it barely made sense, although it only ran for 67 minutes.

I thought what they said was they never got the signal downstairs, then the other girl said that there had been a power surge from upstairs.  I assumed later it had come from the guy messing with the electrical wires.

It's an apt comparison in the fact that both stories are told from the POV of the main character, and we only know what he/she knows (i.e. all Katniss knows is what's been told to her by the propeganda on TV and what others have told her—we have no idea how reliable any of it is).

Gawker has the "jackin it" video up on this link for anyone like me that wanted to see it again…

Whoa are you late!  Usually the "I liked them before they were cool!" threads start way up at the top.

They could've gone the whole wordy route a la Henry Rollins…so there's that.

They're a Walking Contradiction man.  Didn't you get the Warning?

I'm a fan and I whole-heartedly agree that 21st Century Breakdown was over-long and too convoluted, especially being released right after a much tighter and better American Idiot.  Still, I'll probably buy all three of these and love at least a couple of songs on each.

Plan on going a year from now or pay LOTS and LOTS of money at stubhub or someplace.  Seriously, it's sold out for months and months.  You can buy tickets on the BOM website though if you do plan on going a year from now.

But come on—Butters monologue/ultra smack-down at the end was a great pay-off for a too-long bit.  It wouldn't have been nearly so awesome if they hadn't pushed the grandmother part as far as they did.

Knitting anal mitts?