Parker Poseur

Great list as usual. Besides the ones mentioned, I'm really liking this British music review/discussion show called Music Weekly. It's pretty insubstantial but I guess I'm a sucker for any sort of in-depth discussion of pop music. Still need to check out Sound Opinions, but for now that fulfills my weekly music

Great list as usual. Besides the ones mentioned, I'm really liking this British music review/discussion show called Music Weekly. It's pretty insubstantial but I guess I'm a sucker for any sort of in-depth discussion of pop music. Still need to check out Sound Opinions, but for now that fulfills my weekly music

Agreed, I liked him because he felt realistic—douchey, but played with an understated insecurity. I wish he'd been given more time to develop.

Agreed, I liked him because he felt realistic—douchey, but played with an understated insecurity. I wish he'd been given more time to develop.

I thought that was the only good sketch of the night tbh, and it was only good for 3 or 4 minutes. The rest was embarrassingly bad. Ne-Yo was ok I guess, though I feel like his studio stuff is a lot better.

I thought that was the only good sketch of the night tbh, and it was only good for 3 or 4 minutes. The rest was embarrassingly bad. Ne-Yo was ok I guess, though I feel like his studio stuff is a lot better.

I thought this was a sweet episode— not that funny, but I liked the relationship stuff. The biggest problem for me is that Mindy cares about her character so much that the supporting cast gets shafted in terms of dialogue and even plot. I like Anna Camp's character, but I want more depth from the protagonist's best

I thought this was a sweet episode— not that funny, but I liked the relationship stuff. The biggest problem for me is that Mindy cares about her character so much that the supporting cast gets shafted in terms of dialogue and even plot. I like Anna Camp's character, but I want more depth from the protagonist's best

Ever since I heard her 6'7 freestyle I was hooked on Ms. Haze. She's a great lyricist and a gifted storyteller— with the right producer I can see her making a genuinely phenomenal album soon.

Ever since I heard her 6'7 freestyle I was hooked on Ms. Haze. She's a great lyricist and a gifted storyteller— with the right producer I can see her making a genuinely phenomenal album soon.

I love LG, but she was one of the weakest aspects of this episode. Her character just felt underdeveloped and shallow, and the performance felt phoned in. Maybe I was over-concentrating on her because this show has been so disappointing lately.

I love LG, but she was one of the weakest aspects of this episode. Her character just felt underdeveloped and shallow, and the performance felt phoned in. Maybe I was over-concentrating on her because this show has been so disappointing lately.

This had so many promising elements but delivered on absolutely none of them. I got nothing from Gwen, even less from Anna's family, and Jeremy is just grating on me at this point. Coupled with the mishmash of sitcom tropes and really unconvincing character interactions all-around, this was just terrible. I'm rooting

This had so many promising elements but delivered on absolutely none of them. I got nothing from Gwen, even less from Anna's family, and Jeremy is just grating on me at this point. Coupled with the mishmash of sitcom tropes and really unconvincing character interactions all-around, this was just terrible. I'm rooting

I can't tell if this show has gotten lazier or I've just grown up. I haven't seen the Season 4/5 era episodes in a while, but I remember them having a certain vitality and the plots way being way crazier than this. Like, there weren't even any jokes here. Just sight gags and a few decent cutaways.

I can't tell if this show has gotten lazier or I've just grown up. I haven't seen the Season 4/5 era episodes in a while, but I remember them having a certain vitality and the plots way being way crazier than this. Like, there weren't even any jokes here. Just sight gags and a few decent cutaways.

It's sad that 8 episodes in, the only good musical performance was by Frank Ocean— and only his first song really. I hope they get some smaller acts in here (and by that I mean bands who maybe haven't had 17 number one hits).

It's sad that 8 episodes in, the only good musical performance was by Frank Ocean— and only his first song really. I hope they get some smaller acts in here (and by that I mean bands who maybe haven't had 17 number one hits).

I'm embarrassed to say this was by far my most anticipated show of the Fall. I'm a huge fan of the movie—as a work of fiction—and based on MTV's handful of decent shows lately I was rooting for this to be good. Blerg. Still excited for the Nikki and Sara Show in January.

I'm embarrassed to say this was by far my most anticipated show of the Fall. I'm a huge fan of the movie—as a work of fiction—and based on MTV's handful of decent shows lately I was rooting for this to be good. Blerg. Still excited for the Nikki and Sara Show in January.