Parker Poseur

Oh absolutely. But it's just been a small point of state pride that I've always had. I remember the Best Show marathon and at least 90% of the pledges were out-of-state. Sure it's always been internationally-known, but lately it's really taken off with Pitchfork, AV Club, NY Mag, etc articles.

Oh absolutely. But it's just been a small point of state pride that I've always had. I remember the Best Show marathon and at least 90% of the pledges were out-of-state. Sure it's always been internationally-known, but lately it's really taken off with Pitchfork, AV Club, NY Mag, etc articles.

Thank you AV Club. As a New Jerseyian this station has meant so much to me over the years. Whatever you can pitch in, please do. It needs every last dime.

Thank you AV Club. As a New Jerseyian this station has meant so much to me over the years. Whatever you can pitch in, please do. It needs every last dime.

Yeah, he somehow pulled that off, and it was arguably the best moment of the night. I actually liked both Claire and Phil a lot in this ep. Their storylines are usually the best and most nuanced.

Yeah, he somehow pulled that off, and it was arguably the best moment of the night. I actually liked both Claire and Phil a lot in this ep. Their storylines are usually the best and most nuanced.

Yeah, I don't know, I wasn't laughing that much either. Bob's Burgers is like 30 Rock in its rapid-fire joke-a-second pacing that when certain plotlines kinda meander or characters don't fit in, I think the show suffers. I just see how self-contained it all is, and how it almost knows its characters too well to do

Yeah, I don't know, I wasn't laughing that much either. Bob's Burgers is like 30 Rock in its rapid-fire joke-a-second pacing that when certain plotlines kinda meander or characters don't fit in, I think the show suffers. I just see how self-contained it all is, and how it almost knows its characters too well to do

First time I agree with the grade this season. The Lincoln sketch killed me, insomuch as I was laughing before the jokes even hit, and the closing bit with McKinnon was pretty great. And while the writing was even worse than last week, Louis did a great job with the material, and the only painful bit was the

First time I agree with the grade this season. The Lincoln sketch killed me, insomuch as I was laughing before the jokes even hit, and the closing bit with McKinnon was pretty great. And while the writing was even worse than last week, Louis did a great job with the material, and the only painful bit was the

Yeah, I don't mind her— she works really hard (listen to the WTF interview) and she always has good guests on her show. The panelists are usually pretty bad, but then again they're dealing with the shallowest of stories. What I'm saying is, I'd watch Lately three times back-to-back before I'd ever touch Jay Leno's

Yeah, I don't mind her— she works really hard (listen to the WTF interview) and she always has good guests on her show. The panelists are usually pretty bad, but then again they're dealing with the shallowest of stories. What I'm saying is, I'd watch Lately three times back-to-back before I'd ever touch Jay Leno's

I really thought the last episode of Elementary proved it could do serialized storytelling if it wants to. And even if it abandons that path, I may even continue watching because of little things: the music choices, the lighting/camera work, Lucy Liu in general, the underplaying of Holmes' genius. It's far from a

I really thought the last episode of Elementary proved it could do serialized storytelling if it wants to. And even if it abandons that path, I may even continue watching because of little things: the music choices, the lighting/camera work, Lucy Liu in general, the underplaying of Holmes' genius. It's far from a

This far exceeded my expectations. Strongly disliked the two performances but thought he did a well-enough job with the fairly easy material given to him. Was expecting a bit more from the Pandora sketch, but then again that it wasn't a total disaster kinda made me realize that Mars was really convincing. And the

This far exceeded my expectations. Strongly disliked the two performances but thought he did a well-enough job with the fairly easy material given to him. Was expecting a bit more from the Pandora sketch, but then again that it wasn't a total disaster kinda made me realize that Mars was really convincing. And the

I finally can say I love this show. It's just so nuanced, and makes plot a nonissue by giving every character great lines and equally great character moments. And it is constantly subverting expectations (Darcy is almost overly understandable even though Ben breaks her window; the way Kate and Molly's friendship just

I finally can say I love this show. It's just so nuanced, and makes plot a nonissue by giving every character great lines and equally great character moments. And it is constantly subverting expectations (Darcy is almost overly understandable even though Ben breaks her window; the way Kate and Molly's friendship just

Well he also killed the old man on the golf course and shot the rocket launcher on the street (which didn't kill anyone, but realistically should have). Falling Down is a tonally confused movie, but Douglas is just off-the-rails enough that I can't really believe any viewer could defend his actions.

Well he also killed the old man on the golf course and shot the rocket launcher on the street (which didn't kill anyone, but realistically should have). Falling Down is a tonally confused movie, but Douglas is just off-the-rails enough that I can't really believe any viewer could defend his actions.