Pontifex Minimus

I appreciate that Avatar Day shows that not everyone that the Avatar has to save are actually good people.  The people in this village are ignorant, stupid bullies who revere a villain as bad as Sozin, but Aang and the gang are still obligated to save them when the Fire Nation baddies show up.

Nah, being "one of the good guys" makes Max the tragic victim, and BN always has a tragic victim to balance Michael, the non-tragic victim.

Everybody.  The venn diagram of Pretender/Burn Notice fanbases is a perfect circle.

If we stopped paying him for it, he would stop doing it, if for no other reason than he wouldn't be able to afford it.

So, you're saying Lucas should re-write the scripts with better dialog, recast the actors with better performers, reshoot every scene with more naturalistic direction, and then re-release them with 4D special effects and a UltraViolet-Ray Special Edition?

"Good" is stretching it.  I'd say the lightsaber duel sucked less hard than everything before and after.

I too cast aspersions on a few previous articles.  I am glad to know that there is a valid reason and that you weren't just tired of the show, even as I am really sorry to hear how you've suffered.

I'll admit that it is kind of clunky, because the writers are forcing the situation so that Boomi can give Aang the lecture about neutral jin (have no idea of that's spelled right, and don't much care).  Boomi, having gained vast wisdom from his years contemplating the Earth, knows that attacking the fire benders, or

The one swamp bender says to Katara "you're a water bender? That means we're kin!"  Unless he's just smoking swamp grass, then that argues for the gene theory of bending.

Firefly's not sci-fi western, it's western sci-fi.

Sometimes, that doll she looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a doll . . . she's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a shark's eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living . . . until she bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then . . . ah then you hear that

Sometimes I think that the Romans are the most misunderstood culture in history. Really, the decadent hedonism, orgies, etc. existed for a relatively brief period (the "Principiate" or "Julio-Claudian Period" if you're a history geek). Unfortunately for Rome's long-term image, that period coincided with the life of

Zuko's not frostbitten. He got a bunch of new burns and scrapes when the pirates fire-bombed his ship—these are visible in several scenes prior to the speech in the cave.

Zhao sleeps with the fishes
Hayden, I am really glad that AV Club is reviewing this series, and I have appreciated your write-ups previously, but seriously — what are you trying to do here? 19 paragraphs of recap, then an apology at the end? Yes, there is a lot of ground to cover, but you ought to know by now that

I'm not sure if the actress was really pregnant or not, but the character was pregnant for the whole season and delivered in the last ep. Now she has a baby, and they get some humor out of using the town android as a nanny.

"Underrated" is certainly a stupid word to use for wars — so stupid that I'm sure that most people on this thread were using it ironically.

When I realized that Jeremy was seeing dead vampires, I immediately thought that this is how they will bring Sarah Canning (Jenna) back next season. Which could be good, because Jenna is a great character who has been under-utilized up until now, but on the other hand Jenna's death was so emotionally powerful that it

I'm betting one was au jus, one was horseradish, and the third was - I don't know, liquid bacon fat maybe. Au jus is very manly, despite being French.