
Lets end it now, After watching every season, and hearing the ratings are bad (I'm UK based) I prayed that the tv gods would allow another season and would be devastated if they cancelled it.

I can't name a top five, as i will gladly watch any episode from community back catalogue, including S4, but i think Mixology, AD&D and the bottle episode are stand out examples of TV. They are to Community, what Two Cathedrals are to the West Wing.

When evil willow was bringing the end of the world on nigh, I was wondering how plain predictable buffy was going to swoop in and save the day, was quite suprised when its turns out its the everyman that comes through. Plus, army training!

When evil willow was bringing the end of the world on nigh, I was wondering how plain predictable buffy was going to swoop in and save the day, was quite suprised when its turns out its the everyman that comes through. Plus, army training!

Agreed, though i could live with out seeing an Avengers/Dollhouse mix though

Agreed, though i could live with out seeing an Avengers/Dollhouse mix though

Just wanted to add my thanks for noel for these write-ups. When watching them back now, I prefer angel to buffy, the tone and content is more engaging, even if you know what happens. I place "not fade away"  up there for best endings to shows.

Just wanted to add my thanks for noel for these write-ups. When watching them back now, I prefer angel to buffy, the tone and content is more engaging, even if you know what happens. I place "not fade away"  up there for best endings to shows.

After this season finishes, and before season 4 starts (and there will be a season 4) this will be the first episode i rewatch just to get a community fix. I cant comprehend a better episode.