Drunk Dave

Karen O did a version for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo that I liked quite a bit.

Uh, that wasn't make-up. Bill Paxton actually got run over by a car on his way to the shoot.

**Spicer bumps head on door leaving WH press conference**

I considered it might be P/S, but hoped it was just a lucky accident.

I find your lack of faith in this administration disturbing.

None more than the post I responded to.

I also work a responsible, high-paying job with plenty of future development opportunities.
And I enjoy a little ganja after work. Just like some people enjoy a glass of whatever.

Joke redacted.

Holy cow! You're right! I was so stupid to think my personal preference would be the correct choice for me. GFY.

If I were to make a list of the greatest guitarists of all time, Jimi would definitely be at or near the top of that list. If I were to compile a list of my personal favorite guitarists of all time, he wouldn't crack the top ten. Personal preference and all.
(Mr. Mayer would not make either of those lists)

When Nunes did that, I flashed to Krusty saying "It moved me…to a bigger house!"
Someone needs to see if he's had any large deposits lately.

I can see that, being a tiny, little baby.

**claps twice, AV Club shuts off**

Why? Do you want to jerk off to it?

What? Who said that??

No, that's just Trump.

"The moon. For several years, she has fascinated many. But will man ever walk on her fertile surface? Democratic hopeful Adlai Stevenson says so."

**knees him in the nuts, crushes skull with Oscar while he's doubled over**

Eh, get back to me if/when they find the original cut of The Magnificent Ambersons.

It may come to that if the government does not remove him from office. He is obviously does not posses the mentally faculty to run this country. I can see citizens going French Revolution on his ass if this continues.