
@segascream Totally with you on this one. They were my first "favorite band." I used to talk with Mark White (bassist) on AOL all the time back when it was conceivable that a band member would put his personal online handle in the liner notes of a multiplatinum album. One of the few people that bought all their albums

@segascream Totally with you on this one. They were my first "favorite band." I used to talk with Mark White (bassist) on AOL all the time back when it was conceivable that a band member would put his personal online handle in the liner notes of a multiplatinum album. One of the few people that bought all their albums

Flat Dead Kif was the only laugh out loud moment this week for me. But it was pretty good.

Flat Dead Kif was the only laugh out loud moment this week for me. But it was pretty good.

I was sure this list would include Simian Mobile Disco's "Hustler."

I was sure this list would include Simian Mobile Disco's "Hustler."

"Closer… Come closer… … Closer! … One time… while you were asleep… I put myself… in your mouth."

"Closer… Come closer… … Closer! … One time… while you were asleep… I put myself… in your mouth."

No kidding. I wonder if "So Far, So Good, So What?" or even "Symphony of Destruction"-era Dave and whoever this is would even recognize each other.

No kidding. I wonder if "So Far, So Good, So What?" or even "Symphony of Destruction"-era Dave and whoever this is would even recognize each other.

Ditto, that and Bender getting smashed. Old school cartoon tomfoolery, yes, but it just worked for me here.

Ditto, that and Bender getting smashed. Old school cartoon tomfoolery, yes, but it just worked for me here.

Best part of the finale is Cartman's inarticulate rage when he finds out the other guys taped and submitted him. I still use that line to express (mock) anger all the time. "I… am… so… pissed… off… right… now…I'm seriously…"

Best part of the finale is Cartman's inarticulate rage when he finds out the other guys taped and submitted him. I still use that line to express (mock) anger all the time. "I… am… so… pissed… off… right… now…I'm seriously…"

Gotta disagree on Simon's Quest. I *loved* that game. It's worth it for the music alone, but the gameplay was fun, it introduced a ton of new ideas and mechanics to the NES, and the thing was so atmospheric and evocative for an 8 bit game. I still play it sometimes!

I'm beginning to have my doubts that you are really Asuka…

Surprised no one has mentioned this yet, and maybe it just says I have a juvenile sense of humor, but the funniest part of this episode for me was the post-credits bit with Pierce silently wrestling with the soft-serve machine. I was rolling! That kind of gag only works with the right actor - great physical comedy

Don't worry. NBC is killing the other networks in the ratings, so they can afford to hunt  down content sharing and reduce exposure to any of their new properties that might be generating a buzz…

Well, the next 20,000 aren't going to post themselves!

Something that always bothered me about the Rapes of Graff episode is just how heedless Veronica is of her own danger. We've seen this before, so it's not out of character, but really - she's alone in a basement with two guys who she believes committed rape, and instead of trying to BS her way out she outright accuses