
Modell's was perfect. I don't know how you top that.

I miss the days when a rock feud meant somebody slept with someone else's girlfriend/wife, then wrote a song about it, then they got in a drunken backstage brawl, and it was all written up in Kerrang.

The British comedy "How Not To Live Your Life," stumbled upon one evening on the Audience Network and promptly added to my recording schedule. Technically I think it's still ongoing but it started in 2005.

I do not think that word means what you think it means…

Or why there aren't more porn stars appearing in this ad since that's the bulk of what is downloaded from MU  (I guess they're counting KK to stand in for that audience…)

Have you ever been over' a friend's house to eat and the food just ain't no good? I mean the macaroni's soggy, the peas are mush, and the chicken tastes like wood?

So, Nathan - on a scale of 1 to Ted Haggart, just how embarrassed were you to have to walk up to the ticket window and say "One for 'Bucky Larson,' please. " Twice. Was it the same cashier both times? Did s/he appear nervous the second time? Did you have to check when you left to make sure no one you know saw you

Bowl haircut? Looks like someone doesn't know their terrible hairstyles. That's actually known as a Prince Valiant. Bowl is what Jim Carrey was sporting in Dumb and Dumber.

I always found the sequence in the dark of the ruins of the Initiative to be one of the few legitimately scary/creepy moments in the series.

I didn't actually think it was very funny, it didn't appeal to my sense of humor, but I could tell it was well made and cleverly written, and my wife loved it. I have told many friends when they asked if I liked it that I didn't but absolutely would recommend it to the right audience.

The opposite Connor perspective…
I saw Angel before Mad Man began, and therefore when he showed up on MM all I could think was, "Oh, no. It's that awful actor who played Connor." My dislike of Connor actually enhanced my dislike for Pete Campbell for a long time (maybe a good thing in context).

You know…
People forget that the *brain* is the largest sex organ.

What about Tony Head instead, then?

I loled.

I love this song. I didn't even realize at first that it was written just for the show and spent a good while searching Angie Hart's ouvre for the full version (once I figured out who sang it) before I found that out.

Make it three. Polka Party was one of my first tapes - the polka medley on that one is still my favorite, and of course I play Christmas At Ground Zero every holiday season. :P Personal deep cut there: "Good Enough for Now."

Yes. Is it wrong that I clicked on this news item only because I knew that picture would be there?

Surprised this hasn't been brought up, but in the DVD commentary the team states that they originally did *not* want that voiceover to say that Spike's soul had been restored. It was supposed to be a surprise the next season, people were supposed to debate what it was that he actually got.

Casey Barteau

Human vs. animal blood
That tweaks me a little about this episode - they have never before established that human blood bestows any particular vigor or aggression in vampires. Our good-guy vamps have always been plenty powerful on animal blood, and on the occassions when they do have human blood it doesn't do anything