
You're all wrong. It goes:

I was being slightly tongue-in-cheek; maybe your various self-righteousnesseseseses didn't let you pick up on that. These primer articles do get longer and longer every time, though, and I did not have time (since I have a job and all) to read the whole thing just then.

Four pages?!

Billy: True. But it would be hard as a designer to show that and say with a straight face that it represents work that you did. I mean, you'd do it, because shit, they chose your stuff for the "logo" of one of the biggest media companies in the world. Hell yeah, you're going to capitalize on that. It's hard to call

I'm meh on this too. Probably not the worst possible, but certainly not great. Would much rather have seen Ivy and Riddler (Hendricks & Depp FTW!)

This episode of Buffy is the source of one of the most often-quoted lines from the series for my wife and me. And it's not by any of the regular characters, it's from the weird grill guy as he goes through his circular conversation with Buffy about their product:

Oh, I agree that Xander can be quite oblivious (most often concerning his own behavior, and especially with women). Maybe I wasn't clear. I just don't think it's exactly a coping mechanism to deal with uncomfortable things because of his family life. I would go so far as to venture the opposite - that observing the

I'm not sure your analysis of Xander's situation is quite correct, based on things he says and stuff that happens to him in Season 7. He makes it clear that his role as the non-superpowered friend is to be the one who stands back and observes. In the words of a season 7 character: "You're the one who sees everything,

If by "analogy," you mean "simile," then yes.

She's showing us her "O-face." You know, "Oh! …Oh!" … Yeah, you know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!"

I used to like this show - my wife got me watching it in Season 7, which was actually really entertaining. They cobbled together a really diverse and interesting cast of people who you could actually get behind. There wasn't quite as much crying and all that. Tara especially was truly inspiring - I have seen

Possible mild spoiler?

On the other hand, they do occasionally use certain kinds of news to post Brett-Ratner-ogling-ass-books pictures. So, count your blessings.

Dumbledore: Your show concept is incomplete. It's actually "Single People in an Enormous Residence That There's No Way They Could Afford Based on their Employment"

You're not wrong…
Dawn does get much better writing (as well as better performances from MT) starting this season.

If Vegas put odds on casting calls…
What do we think Helena Bonham Carter gets for the wife role? Even money?

I've also always liked this song, because, musically, it's an extremely tight and catchy piece (and really fun to play on guitar, especially the solo).

Rowan: I immediately thought of that Buffy episode as well.

pfap et al: The story is even worse than that, as I understand it. They didn't just swap the order. The Fox brass actually watched the pilot, didn't like it, and mandated that they shoot something else for the pilot at the 11th hour. "The Train Job" was a rush job intended to fill the gap and cram much of what the

Just finished rewatching FF since they put the season on Netflix. I was re-amazed at what a polished product it was right out of the gate, especially for a Joss Whedon show. The universe and master plot stuff was so well thought out and the cast so well chosen that everyone seems to sink right into their role from the