
I went from having no feelings about Charlie or Noreen to having near close to an anxiety attack with just a minute of interaction between the two. This show keeps blindsiding me.

Bob's Thanksgiving episodes are the new Treehouse of Horrors for me.

I like her on Talking Dead, but I still don't care about her character.

I have trouble naming any Alexandrian outside of Aaron. To me there's Congress lady, nurse, bratty teen, and lady whose husband was killed by Rick.

Now if y'all just go back to your drinking.

When I was in Jr. High there was a rumor of a suit case full of porn in an overgrown field next to my subdivision. My friend and I spent many an afternoon searching for it, but alas it was not to be. I want to believe someone has a suitcase full of mid 90s Playboys somewhere and it wasn't just a myth.

I want to believe this is a callback to UCB where everyone worried about astronauts moving in to the neighborhood.

Can you be haunted by someone you forgot about?

Just watched that last night as it's coming off of Netflix.

Eastman, he came out of the east to do battle with the Amazing Rando!

Eastman seems like a fine therapist but I don't want to watch another person's 90 minute therapy session with him. Of course he dies for being a decent human being. I feel like they could have told that story with a few flashbacks in an episode that advanced the plot.

Yes, everything stinks.


I really hope someone got fired over that blunder.

I might just have been a reservation school as the magician/teacher? looked Sioux, but yeah the US had Indian "reform" schools.

I loved the scene with Ed and Peggy on the bus. Just perfectly showed the unspoken distance and quiet meloncholy they have.

Glenn has been my surrogate through the show, but if he survives this is one of the cheapest stunts in TV history.

Damn it, your comment is so cromulent I'm going to forever associate Classic Simpsons with my romantic agnst.

Given that I remember watching the shorts from the Tracy Ullman show I feel insanely old with that comment. I was in kindergarten and my parents liked the show, but still.

Looking back I just love how accurately it captured late 90s Fox and the future of cable.