
They do? I've always viewed it as later-season guilty pleasure.

I should hate it for being a lazy parody of a unimportant movie, but I love anything sub related no matter how bad, like Down Periscope, Last Resort, and the Asylum version of Moby Dick.

Based on the original promos I thought the show looked like crap and that Fox really didn’t need another animated family. I just kept channel surfing and dropping in on funny moments. The end of Topsy won me over.

In Conquest they make Cesar more Mandela and less Che.

But I couldn't before!

Mentioning Marky Mark in a PotA thread is digging at old wounds.

I hated Mad About You back in the day but I found Hunt utterly charming as Renee.

I could buy White as Reeves in a serious film.

Sharpening my pitchfork.

Carter and Reagan both had UFO sightings so I'm pretty confident that's why it was included.

I would watch say an Adult Swim style 15 minute show about Dr. Nick's many malpractice lawsuits

I want to see another Footloose remake, except it's about a small town kid who moves to the big city to fight a pinball ban.

Drink Night Train, go to the basketball game. Throw up under the bleachers.

I'm watching the West Coast replay, and knowing what's coming breaks my heart. Birdperson and Tammy were my OAO.

Funerals should have cake and booze. I think the Irish are the only western culture that gets celebrating the deceased right.

Someone read the zombie survival guide.

I'm far from the "support the troops" supper patriotic crowd but it did bother me how the show went out of it's to make the military a totally incompetent big bad.

Why didn't my school have girls like you?

You just made watching Manos even more depressing.

You'd need a lot of Night Train to get through that.