
I'd love an In Search Off type parody, I love how 70s it is.

I'd love another season but I don't know how they can break Forrest any further.

I believe the correct term is Urban Comedy.

I went on one of those once and it's an accurate depiction. I was like 7 and my dad paid for my tickets, but I still felt ripped off.

I knew a Micheal Hunt in college. He didn't go by Mike for obvious reasons.

I just realized I never got over my middle school crush on Cheri Oteri.

I would mark out if vampire Frankie showed up.

Speaking of Lincoln episodes, I so wish I could hear Charlie Day's dilivery in the Baltimore episode.

I'm rooting for Kelly and the Spider Kids at this point.

Not horrible, but I could have saved 90 minutes of my life just reading the synopsis of the premise.

I had suppressed the existence of Dorf for the past 20 years. Biggest laugh of the night for me.

I only started watching this season, but I get a bit of a Mac from Sunny vibe from Forrest himself.

I will not let you disparage Essa Rios!

I think using Powerbuff Girls on the main roster might have run into some trademark issues, but I agree Submission Sorority is horrible for a variety of reasons.

I hope your not saying it like it's a bad thing.

I just imagine someone in creative pitching that and getting no blow back because all the guys don't want to admit the look at porn.

My objection to "Submission Sorority" can be found in a Google search, safe mode off.

Live in Rochester and that does sound good.

Arcades are where I learned about inflation.

So it's The Sentinel?