
I'll give my one ex credit, we went shopping once and agreed to never shop together again.

My Mom kept nagging my brother to apply at Trader Joe's "because it's fun and you get to wear a Hawaiian shirt!" Not that they pay better than the local grocery, you get to wear a Hawaiian shirt.

Comment is deleted. Anyone remember the jist of it?

I would never attempt to parody the Holocaust Museum, but as someone who's been there and dresses like a slob according to my exs, Amy hit a home run.

Wasn't blown away but it did a good job of world building. Going to keep with it for now. I'm just wary of genre shows on ABC not affiliated with Marvel.

Speaking of another retcon I didn't like is that Dylan can already read. I was hoping for a full length episode of that. Hope Squidly or whatever his name is shows up.

I never really was into the Cosby Show but my brother downloaded his stand up back in the days of Napster and it was really good. Lost it when they brought out the chocolate cake.

I don't even know anymore.

Disney would get even more of my money if they released that.

The success of Total Divas may have gotten the Divas more attention but they want them to have a Real Housewives vibe on the show and on WWE TV.

I thought it had potential to be really fun but the match felt rushed and the previous promo dragged on forever. Why does Cena have to give the "you can boo me or you can cheer" promo every week?

That Roman storyline sounds interesting and fun so it's not that.

Apathy rather than hate for Cena applys for me. He's an all time great wrestler but he's had the YOU CAN LOVE or you can CAN HATE ME gimmick for a decade.

Dear Sir Nudeador Viking the Third,

One of my favorite visual gags was how tiny they made him look on Clerks TAS.

Not the best the show has to offer, and I agree the show is at its best when the opening sets up a unifying storyline for the episode, but I still had plenty of laughs. Solid B in my book.

I would have gone with bigoted over racist but the larger point is right on. Congrats successful trolls.

Did they pull out audience members, because towards the end some of theme were in regular outfits.

Maybe it was the alcohol or I've been worn down this season, but I thought it was a solid episode last night. Found the cold open and high school assembly funnier than Perkins. Agree that the LA and Southern ladies sketch were weak. I'm still in the #canceljost crowd but he got in a couple of solid jabs for once. B

The Jane stuff really brought out the water works in me. I'd really love to have a daughter one day but I'm deeply afraid any offspring of mine is going to end up depressed because of either genetics or me being a shitty parent.