
I insanely loved this episode, as I love the play and movie. We read it in 6th grade were I got to play the racist asshole holdout.

I just thought he some nice Midwestern boy based off his demeanor and his performance in Fargo who was talented enough to make it on his own.

What some people find depressing I find refreshing that a show totally embraced it's dark side. Outside of Darla, the kid and to a lesser Cuba, and to an even lesser extent Del, I just want to see these people infict pain on each other.


Reagan was announcing he was scrapping arms reduction. I bet his next sermon if he lives to give one condemns the speach.

I've seen on Twitter a lot. Hope not, it would be a really stupid twist.

Maybe he will think they're Russian dissidents who came over illegally? Paige never said the s word.

I'd trust a daughter with a frat bro before I'd trust her spending the night with clergy.

I got the suicidal vibe as well. That would have been too dark, even for this show.

He's an anti nuke activist, he had the same reaction as Liz.

I was really impressed how many conflicted emotions Holly Taylor showed without saying a word.

If it's just reach out I'm fine with it but I want Phil as Phil to keep his fidelity to Liz part of his moral code.

Pretty sure it's 82. I keep waiting to be alive in the show's universe

He could be indoctrinated much more easily than Paige. Her lefty Christianity doesn't vibe with the dirty work of spy craft.


It's pretty sad they're losing viewers. I was hoping word of mouth would gradually build up viewership like with Breaking Bad. Don't get anyone who watched and quite on the show.

If I didn't find the song so catchy and if my sense of humor wasn't so juvenile, I'd agree it went on too long. Better than most of the stuff on Top 40 radio.

I don't know half the musical acts on SNL these days as well. Get off my lawn!

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A strange thread. The only winning move is not to post. How about a nice thread of The Simpsons (classic)?