
I liked it at the time but I was doing a lot of drugs back then.

Say what you want about Russo, but he always made sure the midcarders has story lines and a reason for fans to care.

New Day does need a token white guy.

I want Stardust to turn face and tag with Ziggler at least once.

I wish TNA picked him up so he could feud with Stomper.

I would say I like the show but wouldn't recommend it if asked. This is about the quality I expect from the show. So with low expectations and grading on curve tonight was a B for me. Surprised so many people continue to hate watch or hold out hope it's gonna suddenly be great.

I love this episode but I also consider it the show's JTS moment. I actually like the Spinoff Showcase but it showed they were starting to rely on gimmick episodes and Homer starts to go full jerk ass from this point. These reviews are a study of a classic show definitely in decline (from an insanely high peak) from

Annoying for having a brain and some youthful idealism?

I'm shipping Betsy and Mail Robot.

Being set in the 80s I'm surprised she's allowed to have good looking hair.

It's on a curve. That was a good not great episode by this show's standards. +B for me.

How was work Mom?

But the Kremlin needs to know the latest USFL news.

The Americans Shoulder Pad Report: Season 3, week 11: A

When I finally binge watched BB and saw Odenkirk was playing a scummy local lawyer, I thought that meant the guy from Mr. Show was going to have a fun cameo. Never expected Odenkirk had such dramatic range.

You're my hands down favorite gimmick poster on The AV Club.

Plus he can't drive stick.

The spear was what I used a finisher during my backyard wrestling days and I really sucked even by backyard wrestling standards.

I forgot that existed. I miss KITH reruns on Comedy Central after school.

Maybe I do want kids? I at least would like to be friends with those parents.