
I liked it but I'm a history nerd. That it's slow at times is a valid criticism. Still looking forward for season 2.

Any other Turn watchers annoyed they added the Washington's Spies to the title to hit potential new viewers over the head? Also I hope they don't start focusing on the well known historical figures at the expense of the established characters.

Kevin Costner isn't sleeping on a matress in his friend's basement?

I feel so dumb that I only got the I know her from somewhere and it's bugging me and not instant recognition for Tolman. Loved her so much in Fargo.

The reviewer seems to expect a whole lot more out of this show than I do. I would never in a million years compare it to classic Simpsons or Mad Men. It produced an average amount of laughs and the Laberlynth and Drawn Together put it over the top for a positive grade. Didn't mind the dark turn at the end but the

Thank you fellow AV Club commenters, your humor and humanity is helping me get through the most haunting TV episode I've ever sat through. I felt like what I did afterwatching Requiem for a Dream, Threads, and Grave of the Fireflies. Hope this episode doesn't make depressed for a week.

I can't tell if Martha is manipulating Clark or just a sad sack at this point.

I hope someone got fired over that.

I'd like to think it was a homage to the electronic game the little brother was always playing in Threads.

Are people still shipping Skye/Ward? Everyone I know is rooting for her to kill him. Her hatred of Ward is her strongest character trait.

He wishes it was a Dumpster brand dumpster.

Out off all the things I expected out of this show, caring about Jimmy McGill's soul wasn't even something that crossed my mind. Makes his fall to Saul and exile to Cinebun all the tragic.

I like the interpretation he's partying with the cops instead of he got busted and the cops are smoking his stash, which is the way I always interpreted it.

As a dog lover it breaks my heart how trusting they are in that scene.

I wanted to see Lisa so excited.

I think Phil is implying to Martha he's been caught up in a Soviet spy ring and has put her life at risk. He was just lying about the love part. Think she at least survives the season.

I preferred the Springfield tire fire.

An arm band or long sleeves solves the problem.

I don't know why they introduced him as a Bulgarian Russian sympathizer (which makes no sense historicaly) when he could just be announced from Russia from the start.

That didn't intend to come of that way, but it comes off as two men and a bull vs two men and some wire creature with a vagina.