
I had to go back and read them again after that comment.

I actually liked the episode but it's never good to steal from Signs. Made that comment when it happened.

I remember in the pre-internet era where my JR high friend convinced to search a field for hours to find a mythical box filled with porn. Never found it. Kids these days have it too easy!

Best SyFy pilot since BSG, which isn't saying much.

Big fan of the movie, the reviewer is right about the big difference about the tone but a little harsh on the grade. It was a perfectly competent pilot from my POV. B+ in my book. If you think you'd like a time travel procedural definitely give it a shot.

Right now I'm only watching Helix see how far off the reservation it goes. The sad thing is that I usually have nothing better to do or even watch on Friday nights.

Really hope we get to see Sloppy Seconds and Young Larry Bird this season.

I'd complain about how this show sucks at portraying mental illness and treatment but it's just too stupid for me to care.

She's also a vegan and sounds like an adult mistress of Jim to Barbara.

I had a prof. who liked to give papers an A/A- grade, which meant you did well enough to get an A but he's seen you do better work. In that spirit I gave it an A-.

On the SyFy website they have a timeline, I think they were asleep for like 6 years (or at least that's what they were made to believe).

Wish they reviewed The Birthboys, A or A- on Friday. Love the troops returning home videos, I thought I was siting through real commercial for a charity or company exploiting the troops.

I enjoyed her set but "visionary?" Are you 12?

I've been that unenthusiastic 12 year old.

Glasses became sexy with the rise of the MPDG. Now that there's a backlash against that we're going back to the nerdy girl with glasses needs makeover trope.

They should have retired it after Cecily left WU, it needed their chemistry to work. I'll still take it over any of Monyihan's characters.

I was one of those.

I thought they were really hacky. Don't you hate paying bills and standing in lines?

Just have to say I'm pissed that the Grinch speech got edited out on FXX. I remember it staying in syndication.