
Just have to say I'm pissed that the Grinch speech got edited out on FXX. I remember it staying in syndication.

I was on the border line of watching until this review, now I'm all it.

When does Louise go all in and slap the shit out of Rudy?

Bob really reminded me of Homer the Heretic this episode, his leg crossing reminded me of Homer enjoying his patented space age out of the world moon waffles. In retrospect, I'm surprised Homer didn't get shit faced like Bob did.

I'd watch the WNBA if they actually played during basketball season and Cleveland still had a team.

Randy is this season's MVP by far.

Yeah, not a lot of laughs for me this week or last. Maybe it's because I never played Magic or Pokemon or any of the card games, but the A plot did nothing for me. I enjoyed Randy's version of cock magic but it was very hit or miss (though I lost it when he did the kid's birthday party). The C plot just made me sad

I saw the Chicken Fucker rerun a few weeks ago which is a fun episode, but new cop is better at parodying contemporary crime shows. So I guess I kind of miss Barbarady but like the new cop better.

The Van Hallen logo reveal and the Arab Spring protesters as concert goers were great, the rest of the episode was basically a long fart joke.

That was the best pilot I've ever seen. I'm already emotionally invested. I want to know everything about the series but I want to avoid spoilers, so conflicted.

I was really excited when I read the first three words of that sentence and then I was devastated.

But they killed off the most likable character in the pilot!