
See, I never really thought about it until recently, but there's no way that DM-Scranton is providing the same level of service for their new clients in Stamford. At the very least, there should be sales staff leaving the office and meeting their clients in Stamford on a semi-regular basis, which is at least a

Homosexuality also occurs in most animal species, so it's almost certainly  serving some purpose at a species-level, not just the individual human's pleasure meter.

Actually, he had his last good idea in 1985, and he's been writing ever-more derivative cash-ins on it ever since. If you want quality and he's had any hand in it, then this movie ain't gonna be it.

This is true! I have a copy of it, I've read a few pages, and I can't get over my horror enough to read more.

@avclub-0c4eda39c04c2b0566526710ddfa7dad:disqus - The 90's obsession with the 70's obsession with the 50's reached its apex with the rerelease of Grease in theaters.

Anyone who was in 10 Things I Hate About You automatically deserves to be a big star. *drops mic*

Aw, I didn't realize @avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus was on the side of waking people up to the harsh realities that all actresses, regardless of skin color, face! You go (person of gender), tell the masses about the institutionalized sexism that all women face, not just in acting!

I saw this movie at a free screening last week — I really liked it, and thought it was somewhat better than Adventureland. Liam James' character is a few years younger than Jesse Eisenberg's, so it's less focused on his friendships/the unattainable girl, and more focused on interacting with adults as equals.

Really, it's interesting that you see it that way, because I felt like for most of the season, Pam was very clear on separating "I am jealous of Karen for being with Jim" from "Karen is a cool person who I would like to be friends with." It only really spilled over towards the end, post-Pam confession to Jim.

I don't know if I would call Pam's behavior envious, necessarily — maybe "catty" is a better descriptor. It's not like Pam is mean to her just because Jim's dating her, and all of her reactions seem to be jibing Jim as his friend, not icing out Katy. (See also their interactions in "Booze Cruise".)

Good catch, Donna, on how creepy it is that Casey's pursuit of Pixley isn't because she's awesome, but because she doesn't find *him* awesome/Dana is jealous that another woman has any of his attention. It's this weird negative space that Dan/Casey/even Dana falls into, where being in a relationship isn't "oh, isn't

I don't think Jon Stewart actually killed it, it had been sucking for a while, wasn't doing well in the ratings but was getting press because it had stupid people saying inflammatory things, and Jon Stewart just voiced what people had already been thinking…ironically, getting CNN the media attention it truly craved.

Her interview is justified just for the "Increasingly runny deviled egg Paula Deen" descriptor. Sean O'Neal, I salute you.

There are scene between Lucille and Lindsay that are uncomfortably like my mother's and grandmother's relationship. In some ways, it makes it better.

Same with me — and in my work, I often need them as allies. I can remain calm no matter what the ultra-right yells and blames, but one anti-vaccer with their "you can't PROVE any diseases were stopped by vaccines!" gets me pissed off like nothing else.

I agree with you on the declining quality of the adult Discworld books, aside from the Tiffany Aching books, but I would say that his of his non-Discworld later output, Nation is an amazing book. I'd put it up against Night Watch.

I feel like he reached a new level of — depth, or emotion, or something else with the Chalk. The Discworld is a world I can recognize, but the world around the Chalk feels like a world I've lived in. And Tiffany feels like someone I could be.

That is actually pretty brilliant, I'm stealing that if/when I work in a place with Secret Santas.

He had acted contrary to her interests, in a variety of both professional and personal circumstances, in ways that made her look at him like a kicked puppy.

@Markthulhu:disqus - I don't know if it's "lack of editing" at that point and "lack of time to edit", or perhaps "too few eyes get to read it for fear of spoilers." ADWD, Deathly Hallows, Mockingjay…all of these books would have been better with some more time invested in them.