Really, you think Ted is perfect for her? I feel like it's being drilled into our head that Ted is Not As Nice As He Seems. In fact, it seems to be following a pattern:
Really, you think Ted is perfect for her? I feel like it's being drilled into our head that Ted is Not As Nice As He Seems. In fact, it seems to be following a pattern:
Actually, American Gods was very tightly edited down pre-publication. I found that out when I read the "author's preferred edition", which was released for the tenth anniversary — it's sadly bloated, the prose is much worse, and there's nothing that was taken out that's really required to be there. I agree with you on…
@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus - Interesting, I saw that smile as pure Betty Hofstadt Draper Francis. Or, alternatively, pure Quinn Morgendorffer. But mostly Betty.
@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus - I'm pretty sure we're alumni of the same college, because the thought of there being two Paul Sallys in the world is a little too much to take.
Also, a major hole got poked in their "who is Bob Benson" theory, which…sucks, because honestly, I liked it better.
Alternatively, there are times that The Colbert Report can be downright depressing, especially when people can't tell that he's being satirical. TDS can fall flat, but the point generally comes across.
I think it was hard for Colbert to not be a character when he was hosting, as he tried to be a straight man and it just didn't work well. He was fine, just…bland.
My husband has been a little taken aback at how sweet John Oliver seems towards the guests, as he's never really seen Oliver outside of the correspondent segments. He just seems like a nice guy to me, or as nice as a professional comedian can ever be.
The most important news of all: Cliff McCormack's back!
I know the takeaway everyone's getting from that interview is "what a prick Jonah Hill is," but it actually made me like him more, because he didn't hide his disdain for how goddamn stupid the questions were.
This warmed the cockles of my bitter, bitter heart.
But Walter White watched her die…
They actually color-coded Duncan and Logan (blue and orange, respectively) because they were afraid viewers couldn't tell them apart. Still took me multiple rewatches to figure it out.
When Colbert subbed for Stewart (I think during his children's births), he adopted a far more straight man persona than his correspondant persona, so I think you're right, Oliver will play it that way.
Completely agreed. I think people are forgetting how long the reveal came in the books — by the time Lady Stoneheart was revealed, you're all like, "WAIT WHAT LITTLEFINGER WHAT?" and have forgotten all about Catelyn ever being a living, breathing woman.
The Iron Islands stuff, and maybe the beginning of the Brienne plot, sure. The Sansa plot in ASOS has a perfect end-of-season cliffhanger, I would be very surprised if they went ahead with that, and if they go too much further in Arya/Dorne, they're not going to have much to go on for seasons 5 and beyond. I'm betting…
Pretty sure that Lady Stoneheart won't appear until the very last scene of season 4, as she was in the books. There's no point to her appearing earlier, as they kinda dropped the Brotherhood entirely in the latter half of the season.
She looks more and more skeeved out as the pictures go on…
Oh, so you also have gaydar-disguised-as-crushworthy-meter?
My cousins were all talking about Srugim at the last family wedding, I should totally catch up with that.