Yeah 24.4K modem I used to download hits from Japan!
Yeah 24.4K modem I used to download hits from Japan!
Have him play Areo Hotah, and have the Norvosi speak with whatever accent Perlman throws at them.
That was actually what I expected to see when I clicked on the article. Charts! Charts for all!
I'm so glad someone else was thinking that.
Interesting, I just figured it was Cutler really not wanting to spend time with Ginsburg.
Agreed - I was cheering for Joan, and didn't mind that she ditched Pete to get ahead. It's not like any of them have any qualms about throwing her aside.
My husband felt similarly: I thought that Roger, feeling off-balance, wanted to throw anyone who felt stable off their game, as much as he could. He does this all the time, he's just less subtle. (See: how he hassled Ted about his last name in season 4.)
I have only seen one episode of Friends, and that was because I had a friend obsessed with Freddie Prinze Jr. and dropped everything to watch him guest-star. I have no idea when that was. There were babies. This isn't a show about babies?
Personally, I'd *want* him to be the pizza delivery man. Bow chicka wow-wow!
I'm pretty sure that the Jeremy/Natalie relationship was what led me to dating insecure, awkward boys who needed to be the smartest guy in the room and secretly wanted to be dating porn stars, so…bad imprinting on my part. (Then came Studio 60, my eyes were opened, and I suddenly entered a functional relationship with…
If only Dana had been allowed self-awareness, this whole first chunk of the season would have been smoother. But no, she was not given that ability. Damn you, Sorkin!
Exactly. And Casey had waited the 90 days so as to not be Dana's rebound. (Well, he might have put a different spin on it, but essentially, if the relationship had been two adults talking to each other, that would have been the reason.)
My absolute favorite episode is "The Cutman Cometh", which is pretty much 20 minutes of perfect banter.
Holy crap, you're completely right.
Whoa, dude, it was child endangerment because she was driving drunk with kids in the car, not molestation.…
Some part of me was going "Oh god his foot is going to be SO FUCKED UP when this wears off."
Josh Fruhlinger (of The Comics Curmudgeon) raised money for a book last year that he's in e process of writing. I pitched in for that because I like his writing style, have been reading him on a daily basis for at least five or six years, I know he can meet deadlines, and his raising money meant a) he'd be doing less…
@avclub-7b438ebfae511d81ac2285d02d829ad5:disqus - My friend and I couldn't tell whether Britta was being pro- or anti-Assange on our first watch, but we felt like either stance would be equally Britta-esque.
My dad (a very casual Whedon fan after Firefly) emailed me excitedly about this, as though I wouldn't have already known. Since he's solidly in the NCIS demographic, I'm going to say crossover appeal is going to be huge. And by huge, I mean moderate.
Yeah, in the books it was the Queen of Thorns' idea to put him in the Kingsguard, and it's quietly seen as a relief for them not to have to find lands for a thirdborn son/a wife who isn't going to have to tolerate his proclivities.