
Speaking as a native South Jerseyan, Bob's Burgers nails a shore town. Especially the rich people living on their own island with the really good candy. My brother and I used to beg to be driven to the rich parts of towns where they gave out full-sized chocolate bars, as opposed to a damn handful of tootsie-rolls.

Wait, what, excuse me, Boy Meets World demands an apology (after running away from bullies).

It's the American Dream!

Yeah, but he only has to be there two days a week during the taping season, which is not all that long.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus - I wiped out and didn't make it to Final Jeopardy. I really couldn't manage the buzzer (play more video games, aspiring contestants!). However, I managed to hold up the show for twenty-plus minutes with one of my answers while the research team checked it out, as well

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus - Sorry, I can only respond if I can phrase my response in the form of a question.

@Scrawler2:disqus - Yeah, my friend was there for my taping and she had to be physically restrained from protesting when he made a comment about — I think it was a joke about his daughter driving or something. I don't remember any comments he made to the writing staff, so I can neither confirm nor deny there.

I met Alex Trebek when I was a contestant, and I'm not sure if I'd back you up on the asshole bit. He did make a couple of slightly misogynistic remarks to the studio audience, and totally dissed my love life on national television. (Unfortunately, that part was cut from the airing in favor of a "Night at the Museum"

I definitely agree — that would also explain the really weird editing of the plotline at Shirley's house, and would explain why there isn't a producer's cut.

I'm wondering if this was the episode where Chevy dropped the n-word on set, and they had to rewrite that plotline quickly — Pierce was only around randomly, and the whole plotline felt very disjointed.

Hey now, time in the holosuite recreating baseball games doesn't come cheap!

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus I was defending him for a while, and then I just started pretending someone was calling my cell but I would totally get back to my defense, for sure.

@avclub-ad45e11f2e88b8963920c79cd1d8755e:disqus I hold The Onion to a higher standard than Seth McFarlane. I'm disgusted by McFarlane, I was disappointed in The Onion, and I'm glad they apologized.

Here's why it's racist: because no one would have even thought about making either joke about Abigail Breslin when she was nominated, despite that she did a "sexy" routine in Little Miss Sunshine. Because little white girls aren't sexualized, in the same way little black girls are, and that you don't see that is due

Okay, Todd, you sold me, and I even have a legal HBO subscription. Is this the kind of show where I should be watching it from the beginning, or should I start at a point where it gelled? (I heard negative things about the first few episodes, but I'm open to the possibility that it's a Breaking Bad-esque show where

I mean, it's totally fine that you're not particularly interested in your personal family history, and props to your mom for snubbing the DAR. The larger point (in terms of discussing Americans' response to darker periods of history) is that, yeah, most WASPs or WASP-adjacents probably can trace back their family

Well, it's easier if your family didn't leave all their records behind when fleeing from the Cossacks…

Yeah, I figured that out from Amistad.

My only complaint with this comment is that Britta wasn't schooling Troy in how to be a boyfriend, she was schooling Troy in how to be a needy, clingy girlfriend.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus , you're a huge fan of The Vorkosigan Saga, aren't you? (I can't wait for uterine replicators to be a thing.)